Home Dewey's Daily Cup PTL!!! Idaho Post Office Named After My Hero Harmon Killebrew!!!!
Pastor Dewey interviewing Harmon Killebrew years ago on the Sports Animal Radio Station located in Albuquerque, NM. Dewey was the manager of the Sports Animal at the time. Dewey and Harmon were live on the air for almost 2 hours! Dewey spent 42 years in radio,

PTL!!! Idaho Post Office Named After My Hero Harmon Killebrew!!!!


I had wanted to go, but it did not work out, the Lord had other plans. I have talked with Harmon’s widow, Nita, several times about this big day!

Harmon is my hero! I first met him at the old Met stadium when I was five! He wrote me a letter when I was a youngster, I later had him on my radio program twice, once for 2 1/2 hours!!!! I was able to meet him in person several times, such a lovely man of God. Harmon had a genuine, sincere love for all people. A very quiet man who carried a big stick! 573 homeruns!!!

I am pictured on the left with Nita Killebrew at the BARC in Windom, Minnesota in 2018 then back in the mid-90’s with Harmon on the Sports Animal Radio Station in Albuquerque, New Mexico and years ago with Harmon at a Baseball Card Show in Elkhart, Indiana.

Nita spoke at the Windom, Minnesota Revival this past year and everybody fell in love with this woman of God! Nita had several stories to tell us about the man of God Harmon Killebrew! I pray that Nita writes a book.

Some day I should write a book and title it, “The Killebrew’s and God”

The post office in Harmon Killebrew’s hometown of Payette, Idaho, was renamed for the longtime Twins star during a ceremony on Friday. Mpls StarTrib report

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