NM Gov. Lujan Grisham on the Georgia Heartbeat Bill: “The situation in Georgia is appalling to me”

It breaks my heart that the Governor and many more feel they are ‘above God’ and feel it is okay to kill babies. This is unimaginable to me. It makes me weep that it has come to this, Hollywood and money over God’s babies. To Governor Lujan Grisham: I do not answer to you or Hollywood, I answer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

From Dr. Jim Denison:

“Be not wise in your own eyes”

As John F. Kennedy noted, “We are all mortal.” Given the reality of death, I am amazed by the degree to which people are willing to bet their eternity on their personal opinion.

Isaiah warned his day and ours: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20–21).

Wise King Solomon cautioned us: “Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil” (Proverbs 3:7). Paul, the brilliant apostle, agreed: “Never be wise in your own sight” (Romans 12:16).

Nonetheless, when it comes to our eternal destiny, our secular culture is convinced that opinion is fact. Has Satan fostered a more dangerous and popular deception today?

This is a Facebook post from Ethel Maharg of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. Thank you Ethel for standing in the gap for God and His babies! God Bless you and yours!
Ethel Maharg

Below is a statement issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham because the Governor of Georgia signed the heartbeat bill:

“The situation in Georgia is appalling to me and, I know, so many New Mexicans. I hope film companies make the ethical choice and invest in states that are clear about baseline human rights, not least a woman’s autonomy over her own body. To those production companies and filmmakers across the U.S. and elsewhere I would offer a simple reminder: New Mexico is wide open for business. Bring your cameras.”

All I have to say is, Governor when you get 10,000 phone calls from New Mexicans and over 98% are opposed to abortion it sends a message loud and clear what we want the baseline to be. You just refuse to hear us. If Hollywood can’t understand that we don’t want abortion they can go elsewhere. No amount of money is worth the slaughter of innocent children, and abortion isn’t healthcare as it doesn’t address any symptoms.

Hollywood Erupts Over Georgia Heartbeat Bill

Right to Life Committee of NM

Is this really America? Hollywood over God?

Alabama legislators have given final approval to a ban on nearly all abortions, and if the Republican governor signs the measure, the state will have the strictest abortion law in the country.

Story Here

LifeSite News reports:

LANSING, Michigan, May 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Republican-led Michigan State House and Senate voted to ban dismemberment abortions today.

House Bills 4320 and 4321 and Senate Bills 229 and 230 would modify the state’s existing partial-birth abortion ban to include dismemberment abortions, often referred to as dilation and evacuation abortions. Story Here

New Mexico #46 in Best States Rankings:

New Mexico is once again near the bottom……ranking number 46 in the Best States Rankings!

US News and World Report: Some states shine in health care. Some soar in education. Some excel in both – or in much more. The Best States ranking of U.S. states draws on thousands of data points to measure how well states are performing for their citizens. In addition to health care and education, the metrics take into account a state’s economy, its roads, bridges, internet and other infrastructure, its public safety, the fiscal stability of state government, and the opportunity it affords its residents.

Full Report by U.S. News and World Report

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