3 Minutes That Will Change Your Life… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


3 Minutes That Will Change Your Life…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Every morning I like to ask the Holy Spirit to guide my day and help me to be sensitive to his leading. Yesterday, I went for my morning walk and the key to my SUV ignition fell off my key chain. I didn’t notice it until around 3PM when I went to use my vehicle. It’s the type of key that locks your door and unlocks it as well, so it was worth finding. I had mowed the lawn and I was a bit tired. I like to talk to God throughout my day, and I now told him I couldn’t walk the 2.5 miles again right now. Holy Spirit will you lead me to my key, I inquired? I drove my car up Skyway Hill and there it was- on the side of the road. No one had picked it up during the day and no one run over it. It took all of three minutes from my home to finding the key. I was so thankful.

This morning as I think about the goodness of our God and my lost key, I can’t help but think of people that are lost and don’t know Christ. I think of people that are so full of religion, it makes me put my hand on my own head and command any spirit of religion, to come up and out of me. Salvation is for everybody, not just a select few. In just a few minutes a life can change forever and go from darkness to light, from despair to hope. When Jesus enters your life, everything changes. He lights up your world.

Then the rest is up to you. You need to read your Bible, believe what it says and find a Bible believing church. You will discover his kingdom is totally opposite of the what the world says. The way up is down in his kingdom. He will lead and guide you by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let’s pray together and let’s ask Jesus to use us today to lead someone to him. Maybe someone has lost their way, let’s help them come back to the fold. Holy Spirit will you lead us to the lost, the broken and help us bring them to the kingdom for such a time as this today? Let’s Pray:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx1_7gfCy38&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for your plan of salvation. No one deserves this, no one can earn it, no one can buy it. Your free gift for mankind-your life, your blood is enough.

Father, lead us today by the power of your Holy Spirit to the ones that don’t know you. May our religious garb come off and use us to lead them straight to you. Draw them by your spirit and prepare their hearts to receive, we pray.

Father, the gospel cost you everything and us nothing. May our lives be true to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and walking with the lost, the broken, the downtrodden and hurting today.

Father, at the end of this day, may we have lead someone to you. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Enjoy your day and bring another soul into the kingdom.

He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

That if you confess with your mouth, ” Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

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