Last Sunday I was honored to help my parents watch my 4 nieces and nephews as their parents were at a wedding over the weekend.
My husband was running the Sound System at church that morning. Since my dad only has enough energy to last through Sunday School class, grandma + grandpa took the 3 and 4 yr old home. I stayed with the 6, 6, 7, 9, and 10 yr olds.
Our congregation does not have a Children’s Church time during the service. While I admit that it’s been a nice break to have someone watch our kiddos during worship at other churches where we have visited or served, I have grown to appreciate the value in teaching our children that it’s okay for them to learn to sit quietly and not be attended to each moment of the morning.
Their Sunday School class is geared for them.
Cookie Fellowship time gives them a few minutes to run off a bit of energy.
These are moments of high-intensity learning and activity.
I appreciate the simplicity of helping my children learn to be still, to exhale, to observe and listen to their surroundings. To grab that hymn book and find the page number; to learn the song by listening and singing along.
To be a part of the ‘Generational Worship’.
Yes – it’s a battle some Sundays.
Some Sundays, I leave retaining nothing from the Message.
Some Sundays, I leave wondering why I bothered to show up.
But I Know it’s in those moments of training that eventually – they will get it.
My moment from that pew reminded me of the beauty in ‘Generational Church’.