Hey God, I Wanna Walk Like Enoch Walked… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Hey God, I Wanna Walk Like Enoch Walked…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This song says it well by Hillsong, Who you say I am. It is so easy to let others opinions define us, but really it is what God says that really matters. When the rubber hits the road baby, the opinion of man won’t stand the test of time, but God will always have the final say. He sees every person as valuable. He wouldn’t have died for mankind while we were so messed up we couldn’t crawl out of a paper bag, if he didn’t have the master plan for every life. I am sticking with him beautiful people, I am sticking with him and what he says. You should ask him to reveal himself today in a new dimension to you, He will. Somehow, I feel like I have only scratched the surface of knowing my God. I wonder where we will journey today. Yesterday was amazing, never to be re-lived. Today, another new beginning to walk with our creator.

I remember praying a prayer many years ago now, that went something like this: Hey God, Enoch walked with you and then he was no more. (Genesis 5:24) I want to walk like Enoch walked. I want to walk with you. Is that your prayer today? Let’s Pray:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKw6uqtGFfo&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you that our identity is in you. You so beautifully tell us who we are. Our position is just to believe what you say. It doesn’t matter who is for us or against us as long as we know to whom we belong.

Father, we want to walk every day with you. Just like Enoch walked with God, we want to walk the way Enoch walked. Show us a new dimension today that we didn’t see yesterday.

Father, tear down religious mindsets and build up real people, with real issues that journey with their God. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Walk with Jesus today and let him tell you who he says you are.

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