If God Had Given Us The Supernatural Powers of Jesus……….


We are so very blessed by this post by Pastor Jude Sisneros! God Bless you Pastor! We love you and yours!

I was having a discussion the other day with a friend…And we were discussing that if God had given us supernatural powers like Jesus, What would we do? Now before I share some of my answers, People will comment he already has given us supernatural powers, but that isn’t the point I’m making, so I want to stop that right there, ok? We started saying that we would make sure everybody had food, and without making a list of things, pretty much it came down to having our needs, and health and amongst other things. But this morning as I pray, I realized some things… Not one of the answers that came to mind, included us going to the cross. We wanted everything that Jesus had without the suffering. The truth is, we have a sinful nature, and Jesus was sinless. Now I know we were talking hypothetically, but to think about what we would do to save the worlds problems, without realizing that we actually were saying selfishly that our plan is better that what God’s plan is. The truth is.. if God had given us the supernatural powers of Jesus, I guarantee we would destroy ourselves before we would help ourselves hands down. To take the cross out of the equation it would be chaos. Paul says in Gal. 6:14″May I never boast except in the cross of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. NCV “The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is my only reason for Bragging”. My point… Do I feel a need for affirmation? Does my self -esteem need attention? Do I feel the need to show off? the answer to all that is for me to daily take a pause at the base of the cross, and be reminded of this…The Maker of the Heaven and earth would rather die for me, than live without me. And that is a fact!! So anytime I feel a need to brag…I need to brag about that. Lord don’t let me forget what you have done for my life, Cleanse me daily Lord, so that I can have the heart of Jesus, when people see me Lord, let them see only you. Let me decrease, so that you can increase……Amen.

Jude Sisneros

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