Fair Time… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Fair Time…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday, I went to the Northern Maine Fair and passed out Bibles, prayed with people and had my book Good Morning Beautiful People on display. I had many divine appointments with God’s beautiful people. My friend Karen Bode, author of the book Clean Heart accompanied me.

We met vendors that really believed in their product. I am telling you they could convince you that you needed to try it, taste it, have another sample and they were incredible sales people. Every time you passed their table they engaged you. They sure believe in their product.

I passed out tracts, gave away free Bibles and encouraged people to read the Bible they had at home and believe it. I am a work in progress, but it is something I believe in and no one can convince me of anything different. I want people to taste and see how good God really is. Psalm 34:8  Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. He tells us he is watching over his Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) 

Who wouldn’t want to engage with the Creator of the Unverse? Who wouldn’t want to taste and see? Who wouldn’t want to know what God himself will perform? You got to read the Bible to find out what is your inheritance beautiful people, read your Bible. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for drawing lost souls to yourself. The cost to them is free but to you it was a price they could never afford. Those Holy Scriptures are life to our very being. Father, give us divine appointments today. Father, use us to be a miracle to someone that is needing it. Father, heal your people through us today, we pray.

Father, as we pray for people that are addicted, hurting, lost and broken, thank you for delivering them according to your Word. Matthew 18:19 Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 

Father, you said whom the son sets free is free indeed. (John 8:36) Thank you for setting people free today. I believe in you and you asked who will go? I raised my hand that Saturday night, many years ago. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Father, show yourself strong today at the Northern Maine Fair, we believe. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Taste and see, sample, walk with Jesus, believe. 





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