FGGAM Celebrating 7 Years!


Celebrating 7 Years…

Wow, time goes by so fast. What a privilege it is to work in the Kingdom of God. I enjoy writing my posts each morning for people all around the world on Angel’s Prayer Of The Day.  I know how powerful God’s Word is. That’s why I like to pray his Word. The results are amazing, because he watches over his Word to perform it. His Word does not return void. Today, let’s thank God together For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. Let’s thank him for Pastor Sharon and Dewey Moede founders. Let’s thank him for blessing all contributing writers, supporters and readers. Let’s declare expansion, new territories and let’s give a shout to the world for this awakening, this Jesus Revolution. Amen? Amen!

Father, thank you for the greatest outpouring this world has ever known. Thank you for hope, healing, and deliverance for every breathing soul. Thank you for allowing us to be vessels used in building the Kingdom of God. Father, you tell us to ask, to call on you and we do once again today. As we celebrate this 7 year milestone soon, we ask you to bless Pastor Dewey and Sharon and all involved including every reader. Father, that you would keep them, you oh Lord, would shine your face on them and be gracious to them; and give them peace.

Father, let them not carry the burden of expansion alone, but bring people that are trustworthy, that are dead to their own agenda and want to do exploits through this ministry, and build the Kingdom of God, we pray.

Father, we pray divine health over them. We pray their sleep will be sweet according to your Word. Grant them the desires of their heart. May, they be honored everywhere they go. Direct their steps, we pray.

Father, we ask for a fire, a ring of protection all around them. Thank you that no harm would come near them or their dwelling place. Ignite the fire in them and through them, we pray.

Father, we ask and thank you for every debt paid in full. We ask for an overflow of finances to come to this ministry. May they never know lack, we pray.

Father, we ask you to draw listeners and readers from every nation, tribe and tongue. We give you thanks. Amen

Shout, it’s a Jesus Revolution! Shout It’s an Awakening!

Stay Blessed Dewey and Sharon. Sending much love and prayers.

Angel L. Murchison

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