Meet and Greet!


When Jesus came near, he spoke to them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations:” – Matthew 28:18-19

I want you to meet our new friend and Evangelist, Favour Amaka Esegbue. Favour works in the remote villages in southwest Nigeria (the purple area in the map below). Since receiving a Proclaimer, she goes through the villages seeking people who want to hear the Bible in their mother tongue. The response has been outstanding. She is requesting more of the amazing audio Bibles supplied to us by Faith Comes By Hearing, for those who join her in the work. The fields are ripe for harvest (Matthew 9:37-39). What a blessing to hear of the reaction when people listen to the Bible in their own language, many for the first time. Here is what Favour had to say recently:

“I was privileged to use the Proclaimer audio bible in Urhobo language last week in one of our mission fields to disciple the converts. It was quite a relief and inspiring for the people to hear Jesus speak in their own mother tongue. Though it wasn’t so easy for us because we had just one and two groups of people were in that church, the Yorubos and the Urhobos. Hence we kept tracking to navigate our way to each of the languages. It will be more relieving and quicking the work of discipleship, if at least one per family is given them owing to the fact they are ORAL LEARNERS. Looking forward to hearing from you. God continue to bless the ministry to remain a blessing to nations. Amen.”

Thank you for your prayers for Favour and her co-workers. Maranatha!

God is good all the time. All the time God is good!
— Nigerian Proverb

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