Mom and Dad and My Leg Brace, “Dwayne may never walk or run”


My Mom, Ruth would be 89 today! My Sister Deb has her Bible I have her senior confirmation book with all her notes! Such a gentle woman of God, peaceful spirit, best mother ever!

Today my Mom, Ruth, would be 89. I love her so very much, I miss her so much! Mom passed into the arms of Jesus in Jan. of 1995 of cancer. Dad passed away on Easter morning of a heart attack in 1995. They both went to Glory at the young age of 64. It was so very tough for us kids to loose both Mom and Dad in the span of 2 years. We were so blessed to have a Mom and Dad that instilled Christian principles into our lives, we grew up in the Church. So many Children do not have that opportunity, even here in America. What helps me today is that I still picture Mom and Dad in my mind and things they would do and say to set an example for us on how to live our lives. This is one reason I preach, because of what I got instilled in me by Mom and Dad. I want to tell the world about Jesus and instill Christian principles into to folks. I want to preach the importance of the family unit. I love my Mom and Dad so very much, I do not have the words to express that kind of love, except, the love of GOD.

Parents who are focused on God and their children.

Thank you Lord for Godly parents!

Let me share with you about my full leg brace….if it was not for my Godly Mom and Dad who sought proper treatment for me I may never have walked. My Dad worked for the Windom, Minnesota school, first as a custodian then as Transportation Director. One night he was locking up the building and I was with him, they called me “Wally’s shadow.” I went everywhere with him! I missed a step going down the stairs and for a week or so I limped. Dad and Mom got concerned and took me to Dr. Harold Basinger who took x-rays and it showed I had a bad hip and he sent us to the Mankato, Minnesota hospital. The Doctor we saw was over 7 feet tall, Dr. Meredith. He examined me for several hours and then as I was lying down on the exam table this giant of a man looked into my eyes and said to me and my parents,”Dwayne (my birth name) may never walk or run like the rest of the kids.” That is the way he said it, and I will never forget those words. I had a hip disease. At 4 I completely knew what that meant! My Mom and Dad cried. They prayed. Our Church and community prayed for me. I wore a full leg brace, an iron brace until I was 5 1/2,  and then was healed.

I keep that brace to remind me of God’s greatness.

I am still walking and running and playing softball at 63! A miracle of God, the love of God! Amen! All glory to God!

That is one reason I really beleive why God moved me to name our ministry, “For God’s Glory Alone.”

Archaeologist William Albright stated, “There can be no doubt that archeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition.” Jewish archaeologist Nelson Glueck said, “Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible.”

But when it comes to Jesus Christ, mankind will not be saved by history but by the blood of Jesus Christ. Each one of us must humble ourselves before God and receive Him. “How mighty His wonders … from generation to generation” (Daniel 4:3).

From everything I have been through in my life, came my life verse:

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

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