Netanyahu Blasts European Decision on Iran Sanctions



Headlines from Jerusalem, 16 July 2019

“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority” Colossians 2:8-10


Netanyahu Blasts European Decision on Iran Sanctions

A decision by the European powers not to enforce sanctions on Iran for its recent breaches of the JCPOA nuclear deal was met with exasperation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said on Monday that it “reminds me of Europe’s appeasement in the 1930s. Then as well, there were those who buried their heads in the sand and did not see the approaching danger. Apparently, there are those in Europe who will not wake up until Iranian nuclear missiles fall on Europe. But then it will be too late.”


Energy Consortia Bid on Israeli Offshore Opportunities

The movement to Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) Israel suffered another defeat on Monday when two separate business groups submitted bids to the government for the right to explore for oil and natural gas in the waters off Israel’s coast. “Several years after the natural gas deal was passed, there are three international groups – based on European and American companies – that will seek to develop the gas and oil resources of the State of Israel,” said Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz. “We are continuing to act to transform Israel into a regional energy power.”

Turkey Increasingly At Odds With Western Allies

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters on Monday that the Russian-built S-400 air defense system his military recently began receiving components of will be deployed to defend the country’s airspace in April of 2020, despite the tensions the NATO members purchase of major weapons systems from Russia is causing with its Western allies. In related news, Germany and Austria announced on Monday that they are considering economic sanctions on Turkey over its recent decision to start exploring for natural gas in the territorial waters off the island nation of Cyprus, an EU member.

Israeli Sports Fans Have Much to Celebrate

Israeli club football (soccer) teams won some convincing victories in recent days, advancing in the Champions League qualifying round and delighting their fans. Meanwhile, Israel’s 2016 Olympic Judo bronze medalist Ori Sasson won a gold medal at the Budapest Grand Prix tournament this week. Elsewhere, Israel’s Under-18 baseball squad overcame Belgium 8-5 to win the European Championship qualifiers in Stockholm, earning a spot in next year’s European Championship tournament. Finally, Also in recent days, track athlete Selamawit Dagnachew secured a spot at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo in the 5,000 meters with a time of 15:08.39 in Kortrijk, Belgium. Finally, Israel’s Paralympic rowing team won several medals at the 2019 World Rowing Cup III in Rotterdam.


The Truth about Jerusalem’s City of David
Nadav Shragai, JCPA

The ancient Pilgrimage Road in the City of David is one of the most sensational archaeological discoveries to be made in Jerusalem since Israel’s establishment. The site was first excavated more than a hundred years ago by French, British, and American archaeologists, at a time when the State of Israel did not exist and Jerusalem was under Muslim rule. Hundreds of Arab residents of Silwan have been employed in the excavations under the houses of the village – so much so that Hamas and the Palestinian Authority threatened them and forced them to leave their jobs.


Analysis of Iran’s Attacks Against Religious Minorities

On July 16-18, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will host the second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, providing a much-needed forum to address the plight of frequently overlooked minorities in Iran, among other countries. What are the consequences of the Islamic Republic’s massive, systematic campaign to spread disinformation about religious minorities through social and traditional media? How can the United States and its partners confront the regime’s wider effort to deprive minorities of their citizenship and human rights?


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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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