American Family Association to the NEA: Drop Pro-Abortion Stance


American Family Association to the NEA: Drop Pro-Abortion Stance

AFA President Tim Wildmon Asks: How Can an Organization Charged with Making School a Safe Haven for Kids and a Good Workplace for Teachers Be So Anti-Children?

TUPELO, Miss.—Millions of students are heading back to school soon, but beyond books, classes and activities, the American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.netis concerned that the National Education Association (NEA) is pushing a pro-abortion agenda.


Among the most powerful entities in the United States are teachers’ unions, AFA reported via an Action Alert to its more than 1 million friends and supporters. At its recent annual conference, the NEA, which is the largest teachers’ union in the U.S. with more than 3 million members, approved New Business Item 56, a resolution expressing full and unlimited support for abortion access.

The resolution states: “The NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person’s right to control their own body, especially for women, youth and sexually marginalized people. The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade.”


“As if that wasn’t bad enough, the NEA went on to suggest that pro-lifers are ‘misogynistic forces’ who ‘want to abolish the gains of women’s right movement,’” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “Reading these quotes, I have to ask myself how an organization charged with making school a safe haven for kids and a good workplace for teachers can be so anti-children in its beliefs? It’s because the NEA has morphed into a massive liberal special interest group, committed to pushing an extreme liberal agenda that most of its teacher members find appalling.”


According to the Washington Examiner, the NEA has been supporting progressive social causes for years, including staggering donations to liberal political candidates. From 2017 to 2018, the NEA gave almost $20 million in political donations. Nearly $2.5 million of that went to Democrats and over $16 million went to liberal groups. But just $216,280 went to Republicans.


“Abortion is nothing more than a culture of death,” Wildmon added. “The NEA should rethink its support of it.”


AFA is urging those concerned about the NEA’s militant support of abortion to take action by signing a petition to the union asking them to rescind New Business Item 56 and remove itself from the abortion debate. Nearly 34,000 have signed thus far.


View the media page for AFA here. For more information on American Family Association, visit or follow AFA on Facebook or on Twitter @AmericanFamAssc.

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