Good Morning Beautiful People… Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2019, Believe & Be Free…


Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2019, Believe & Be Free…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today, I wanted us to join faith for the upcoming Healing Waters Women’s Conference, Believe & Be Free. This conference is dear to my heart and my desire is for God to do what he does best-heal lives. Whether it is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual-God can and will bring healing to his people. We can and do touch the hem of his garment every year. This year, I believe in prayer we have kicked it up a notch. So today, I wanted to ask you to join in and pray with me for this very important conference that God gave me a vision for many years ago. This conference was birthed out of issues and healings in my own personal life.

This year Believe and Be Free is based on once again John 8:36. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Thanks for joining faith and be there as God directs your path, Amen? Amen!

Father, thank you for the Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2019 Believe & Be Free. We join our faith God that this year will be the very best yet. Not because of our nice decorations, not because of the number in attendance, but because of the presence of our maker. Father, when you change lives, it’s a change that lasts forever.

Father, you see everything, nothing is hidden from your watchful eye. You know all things and do all things well. Once again Father, thank you for showing up and doing what you do best-heal your people. Whatever brokenness has touched the lives of your women, thank you that you will heal it and do as only the good Father can-use it for good. It is so true- all things work together for good for all who love and serve the Lord. (Romans 8:28)

Father, thank you that it’s not by might, nor by power, but by your spirit. (Zechariah 4:6) We expect a visitation like no other. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Thanks for joining faith and may you experience the love of Christ in a new way and pour it out to a hurting world around you.

Facebook/Angel Murchison,





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