Release That Fire Power Into Enemy Territory



 “And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.”Psalm 37:40


In Old Testament days, when a tribe commenced war, they would sometimes hurl a spear into enemy territory. It made no difference whether the enemy was there or not. It really wasn’t for the enemy to see. It was an attitude of faith that was a declaration of war. Some would call it a throwing down of the gauntlet.

You may be reading this, wanting the victory in something today, and yet you haven’t let your arrow of faith fly into the enemy’s territory. Faith that acts will bring the enemy to his knees.


We don’t fight our enemy with actual bows and arrows, instead we fight him with the weapons of prayer and the Word. When we pray, we face the foe. By letting the arrow of prayer fly, God moves in, and our prayer becomes the Lord’s deliverance. God does business with those who mean business.

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