Happy Rosh HaShana: A New Year and A New Beginning!


Happy Rosh HaShana: A New Year & A New Beginning!

Rosh HaShana has a very important meaning for the Jewish people, as well as for the Church!

According to Jewish rabbinic tradition, Rosh HaShana is the day God created Adam, the first human being. Therefore, the name “rosh” meaning “head” and “hashana” meaning “the year,” indicates that on this day we are to celebrate the head of the year or the beginning of a new year.

According to the Bible in the book of Numbers, we are also told to gather together for this holiday to sound the trumpets, which is why this day is also called “The Feast of Trumpets.”

“And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work. For you it is a day of blowing the trumpets.” (Numbers 29:1)

Rosh HaShana 2019 begins the evening of Sunday September 29th, and ends the evening of Tuesday October 1st.

We pray you will be filled with hope as you reflect on the meaning behind this Feast, which is a foretaste of the last trumpet call of the return of our Lord! And may you be inspired to start a new beginning with God this year!

Happy Rosh HaShana & Feast of Trumpets,

With love from your ICEJ Family!


Don’t Miss Out On All the Excitement!

If you are not able to join us physically for the Feast in Jerusalem this year, you can still catch all the worship, great teachings and excitement of this Feast of the Lord!

Join us online via live streaming, so you can enjoy and be a part of what God will do in Jerusalem at ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles 2019! Sign up today!


We Want To Pray For You!

Every year, prayer is a huge focus at ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles, including daily prayer sessions in the Arena’s Prayer Succa.

Therefore, we encourage you to send us your prayer requests, so thousands of Christians from around the world can pray for you right here in Jerusalem!

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