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Joel Rosenberg: Will Israelis Be Forced to an Unprecedented 3rd Round of Elections?

äéåí, 26/03/2006 , ðòøëå áçéøåú áîçðåú öä"ì äùåðéí áîèøä ìàôùø ìçééìéí ìîîù àú æëåúí äãîå÷øèéú. áúîåðä ðøàéí çééìéí îöáéòéí áîåöá øàù äð÷øä åîô÷ãú òåöáú áøòí ùáôé÷åã äöôåï. öéìåí: àáéø ñåìèï,ãåáø öä"ì

New post on Joel C. Rosenberg’s Blog

Will Israelis be forced to an unprecedented 3rd round of elections? I discussed this — and Netanyahu’s looming indictment hearing next week — with CBN NEWS.

by joelcrosenberg

(Washington, DC) — This week I’m in Washington briefing White House officials, Members of Congress and Middle East experts at various think tanks on our recent meetings in Saudi Arabia with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his inner circle.

Yet as interesting as all those conversations are, people keep asking me about last week’s elections in Israel and where things are headed.

  • Can Netanyahu form a government when fewer people voted for him and allies than in April?
  • Will Netanyahu actually be indicted after next week’s hearings?
  • Does Benny Gantz really have a shot at being the next Prime Minister, and will it be a “national unity government”?
  • Why did Israel’s Arab parties — which haven’t supported a Jewish candidate for PM since Yitzhak Rabin in the early 1990s — suddenly decide to support Gantz, a former IDF chief of staff?
  • And is it really possible Israel will remain deadlocked and we’ll have to go to an unprecedented third round of elections?

Yesterday, I discussed all these matters — as well as the blowback I’m getting from meeting with MBS — with CBN News anchors John Jessup and Jenna Browder on their program, “Faith Nation.” Hope you’ll watch and tell me your thoughts on Twitter and/or my “Epicenter Team” page on Facebook.

NOTE: These are my own personal views. I’m not writing or speaking in my capacity as Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, as that organization is non-political and non-partisan.




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