Prayers Up!


Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. – 2 Timothy 3:12

“Our bold and faithful Christian brothers and sisters in northern Nigeria exemplify the truth of promised persecution (Luke 10:3; John 15:19-20; John 16:33). It is important that we recognize their example not only so that we may serve them in their time of great need with our prayers and support, but also so that we may draw inspiration from their lives of faith. They remain as Christ’s witnesses in a place where they suffer extreme violence at the hands of radicals among their own neighbors.” – Cole Richards, President of Voice of the Martyrs

We send God’s word by way of audio Bibles known as Proclaimers to various locations in Nigeria so that people who have never heard the gospel in their native languages may listen to God’s truth. Many of those groups are of Muslim background. Please join us in the prayer below that their persecutors, mainly Boko Haram, will also come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

(Photo, story and prayer above are from October 2019 issue of Voice of the Martyrs magazine.) Go to
“When prayers go up, blessings come down!” – Nigerian Proverb


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