(New York, New York) — We have breaking news out of Israel.
After two days of discussions between Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu and Blue & White leader Benny Gantz, negotiations have broken down.
No agreement was made to create a national unity government — even though that’s what almost everyone in Israel wants.
Therefore, Rivlin has decided to give Netanyahu the first opportunity to form a coalition government because 56 members of Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) told Rivlin they want Bibi to be the PM again.
Only 55 members supported Gantz.
Netanyahu now has 28 days to try to form a government. If necessary, he can ask Rivlin for up to an additional 14 days.
If Bibi cannot form a government, however, Rivlin will give Gantz the opportunity to try. If it gets to that point, Gantz will also have 28 days. He may also then have a great deal of leverage to persuade Bibi and Likud to create a national unity government after all.
Bottom line: keep praying for us — we very well may not have a fully-formed new govern
ment until late November.
NOTE: These are my own personal views. I’m not writing or speaking in my capacity as Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, as that organization is non-political and non-partisan.