Do You Need A Coat? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Do You Need A Coat?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday, I was on assignment, you were too if you are a Christian. I had a friend call me from Dubai. He had a specific assignment he wanted me to do to bless a cold, possible homeless person. I followed his instructions that he advised me to do to help this other individual. I just had to discover the woman he was talking about. As I drove around my city, I spoke to one possibility. She said she was fine even though I knew she wasn’t. Her face showed the coldness as her lightweight jacket absorbed the morning rain. She said she had a warm sweater underneath and I prayed she had. When I offered food, she said she had stomach trouble and didn’t need any. I prayed for her as I drove off and she continued her journey on foot.

After lunch, I prayed again and asked the Holy Spirit to lead me. This man from Dubai must have heard from God to call and ask me to do this on this particular day. I drove around once again thanking the Lord that he orders my footsteps. Sure enough, I met the lady that would wear the new winter coat and buy some food with what was given. My card that read Jesus loves you, believe, I spoke to her out loud. She embraced me with a hug and replied I am glad somebody does. 

Last evening, I had someone come to my home and bring me a coat. They said can you give this to someone that may need it. Today, I will do another drive and find the man that needs this warm jacket.  This time I will add more of God’s Word and give a Bible instead of just a card. My prayer this morning is Lord show me where he is. That’s my prayer for you too today. Awaken, there’s lost, cold, hurting people everywhere. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us. We are on assignment today and every day for you. May we never forget it. Father, thank you for the reminder from Dubai yesterday, to awaken my sensitivity to people all around me. Father, keep us all sharp as we serve in our communities.

Father, may we not rest until we have completed our daily assignments. Use us today and every day to be your hands and feet extended. Thank you once again for awakening me to the needs all around me. May we all as Christians around the world awaken and be sensitive to the needs and the assignment you have given us for those in need. We all have something to give.

From Dubai to Maine we declare, awakening. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. He loves you.

Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? James 2:15-16

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