This message is from Todd Still of Truett Theological Seminary:
The Apostle Paul commends Phoebe of Cenchreae, the female deacon (Greek: diakonos), as the courier and first interpreter of his magisterial Epistle to the Romans. He said she had done much for many.
In the same way, John F. MacArthur Jr., pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif. as well as a well-known radio preacher, has done much for many, including me. I still recall reading and learning from MacArthur’s The Gospel According to Jesus while a seminary student some 30 years ago.
MacArthur turned 80 years old this past summer. This year—2019—marks his 50th year of pulpit ministry at Grace Community Church. This ministerial milestone is being celebrated throughout the year by his syndicated radio broadcast Grace to You, most recently last week at Grace Community Church at a Truth Matters Conference on the sufficiency of Scripture.