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NM Gov. Michelle Grisham Calls Killing Babies in Abortion a “Human Right”

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We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. …From Oswald Chambers

This leaves me speechless and in deep in prayer… reports:

As if unaware of the definition of “human,” New Mexico Gov. Michelle Grisham recently defended abortion as a “human right.”

A pro-abortion Democrat, Grisham participated in a 50th anniversary celebration for NARAL Pro-Choice America earlier this fall, according to One News Now. NARAL advocates for unrestricted abortions up to birth, and Grisham praised their work as a “defense of human rights.”

Pro-life state leaders pointed to the obvious contradictions in her statement. Story

Tribune Content Agency

Why do Christians keep saying that Jesus is the Prince of Peace when the world is in terrible turmoil and gets worse with every passing day?

Oct 12, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why do Christians keep saying that Jesus is the Prince of Peace when the world is in terrible turmoil and gets worse with every passing day — P.S.

A: The Bible is not content to leave the nature of the peace Christ purchased for us in doubt. It outlines peace in the clearest sense. Christ made peace by the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20). He bore the sins of all, so those who know Him as Savior are no longer troubled, and this brings peace beyond all understanding.

For those who do not know Him as their Lord and Savior, they remain perplexed because they look to the world and to people to bring peace to their weary souls. Christ stands between holy God and fallen man in his strife, rebellion, and conflict. He is the only hope for peace in the inner spiritual warfare of the soul, and for that reason also is the only hope for social stability.

In a materialistic world which has tried to sever diplomatic relations with God, we have nowhere to retreat except within ourselves. We are like turtles in a traffic jam — the best we can do is to pull our heads back into our shells and shut our eyes. But that’s a good way to get the life crushed out of us, as any dead turtle can attest.

Where does peacemaking begin? How can we become peacemakers in our broken, nervous, frightened, and dangerous world? We must make our peace with God. Those who know Him and walk with Him, can know His perfect peace in the midst of trouble as King David did. “I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8). Do not delay in making peace with God.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


Website     Life Issues     Political Action    Resources     About Us 
October 8, 2019
Hello Everyone,
Saturday, October 12th at 8:30am we will be gathering for our annual Born to Walk at Jerry Cline Park in Albuquerque.
As you all know we do not have the large resources that the left does, yet we are totally committed to fully engage in the upcoming battles in 2020.  For this we rely on your financial support and partnership. This is a fun way to help us in this effort.
We have had much excitement in anticipation of this event. Grab your tennis shoes and your family and come and walk with us at this beautiful park!  See ya there.
Jerry Cline Park (Click for more info)
Jerry Cline Park at the corner of Louisiana & Constitution.
 If you have any other questions, please call us at 505-881-4563.
Thank you all for what you do for the cause of life.
For life,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director, RTLCNM
RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste A, Albuquerque, NM, NM 87112


Students for Life of America will Stand with Students and Healthcare Workers Opposed to CA’s radical plan to push Chemical Abortion Pills on Campus

“Governor Newsom’s reckless support for a new abortion pill distribution scheme on California college and university campuses will put students’ lives at risk and put schools at risk of lawsuits as conscience rights are violated,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins.

Prediction: Conscience Rights Lawsuits Will Take Place


SACRAMENTO, CA and WASHINGTON D.C. (10-11-19) – Following news that California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the controversial SB 24 into law requiring the distribution of life-ending, chemical abortion drugs through California public college and university health centers, Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins observed, “The Pro-Life Generation will not sit back and watch their college and university campuses be turned into Planned Parenthood’s new money making machine.”


Hawkins noted that SFLA is preparing to help students in other states that might consider the dangerous measure and that SFLA was gearing up to help students and healthcare workers in California whose conscience rights will be violated as they are forced to participate with abortions. “Student fees underwrite the costs of the healthcare centers on campuses, which will now be required to distribute deadly chemical abortion pills. And healthcare professionals will also be forced to hand them out no matter the consequences to women’s health, but Students for Life of America will make sure to connect these victims of conscience right violations with legal help to stop the spread of a bad idea that is only good for propping up abortion vendors like Planned Parenthood,” said Hawkins.


“Women will lose, as the abortion lobby makes bank. This law includes funds that can go to Planned Parenthood for ‘consulting’ and new funds for ‘security’, allowing the nation’s number one abortion vendor to sit back and cash checks, enjoying the chaos of abortions taking place at schools without any of the risk,” said Hawkins.


Problems with the forced distribution of chemical abortion pills on college and university campuses are detailed here and include:


  • The pills have resulted in women’s deaths as well as complications like infection, surgery, and even hysterectomy.
  •  The horrifically painful two-pill event will send women back to the dorms to bleed excessively and pass a deceased infant on campuses.
  • These abortions will also create the problem of medical waste on campuses, something that the bill sponsor does not make a plan to address.
  • Between 15 and 75 students per month will need a follow surgery when the drugs fail, as they sometimes do, requiring health centers to be ready for emergency events.
  • No need exists for bringing this on campuses as abortion facilities are less than 6 miles from every CA public university and college campus, which was why former Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the bill.
  • Students will still pay. Despite the fact that it’s basically a $5 uber ride to the facilities, and that such transportation costs are covered in CA, the abortion lobby pushed for passage of the law, which will result in a cost of about $500 for students, according to the state’s finance committee report.
  • Legal costs will also be a burden to school systems as student conscience rights will be violated as pro-life students are forced to subsidize health centers that distribute chemical abortion pills, and as healthcare workers are forced to do the work.
  • Even before the expected legal costs, the program was getting expensive. As student leader Bernadette Tasy noted for California elected officials, “In the Senate Appropriations Committee analysis in May 2019, the UC estimated a ‘funding shortfall of $4.6 to $7.8 million…. beginning January 1, 2023, no source of funding is provided in SB 24. Without funding, the student health centers will incur ongoing costs in the range of $2.2 to $3.2 annually. Unless financing is made available post 2023, by the state or foundation, this cost will fall to students.’”
  • No safeguards are in place in the law to protect women who may be dosed with the drugs without their consent, ending the life of their child. Abusers are known to have used drugs against their partners’ wishes.
  • The bill sponsor says directly that this is part of a radical effort to distribute abortion drugs nationwide on college and university campuses.
  • Pro-Life students will be impacted. With more than 90 groups in California, Students for Life of America knows that the Pro-Life Generation does not want to bring abortion onto campuses.


For the last several years, SFLA has actively opposed this measure, testifying, lobbying, rallying, letter writing and educating et al, and we will be prepared to meet similar efforts in other states as they take place.


For more on the effort to put chemical abortion pills on campuses, visit:

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