Pour In, Pour Out… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Pour In, Pour Out…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I love how Jesus continually pours in us through worship, prayer and meditation on his Word. I love how he fills ordinary people with his power. This power is not for us to keep to ourselves, but to give away.

When I came to Jesus, I had nothing. Just a broken piece of clay, that was in need of a new life. I love that dimension of our God. He is the master rebuilder. He takes the mess and makes a message. How can we not share the good news, the best news in the universe, to people that need the same experience. Let’s thank him for filling us up this morning with new wine. I know I play the New Wine song by Hillsong Worship a lot, but I want to be a vessel he can pour in, I pour out. He pours in, I pour out. How about you? Let’s Pray:


Father, thank you for new wine this morning. As we pour out in our daily lives, we thank you for a fresh refilling. Father, take all that is old, dried up, stuck (religion) in us and purge it. Father, thank you for filling us with the new wine that is full of mercy, grace, love, forgiveness and so much more.

Father, Isaiah 42:9 tells us the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Father, thank you that in Acts 2:17 your Word tells us in the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Let it be so, oh God. Pour in fresh wine today, so we can pour out. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Fill up and go share the best news ever, even if you can’t speak a word. You were born to be a world changer.


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