Turkey’s Syria Assault Triggers War of Words Within GOP


Pray for God’s Wisdom to prevail………..We pray for the safety of all……I certainly do not agree with this decision to abandon the Kurds. This decision just does not seem right in so many ways, it makes my spirit very, very unsettled.

Syrian Christians to US: ‘Don’t Abandon Us Now’

From Dr. Jim Denison: NOTE: As the conflict in Syria continues, it is important for Christians to be informed intercessors. I invite you to read my latest website article, “Who are the Kurds? Why is Turkey invading Syria? How should Christians respond?

Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy, shared this statement today on his “Secure Freedom Minute” Radio feature.

Turkey’s Syrian Invasion Should be the Last Straw

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s army has just invaded Syria and begun killing Kurdish forces that fought bravely alongside ours in the recent, successful campaign to destroy the Islamic State caliphate. This incursion is just the latest proof that Turkey is a U.S. ally no more.

“It follows the Turks’: purchase of Russian air defense missiles; increasing ties with Communist China; and flouting of U.S. sanctions against Iran. Then, there is the growing role of Turkey in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood – including that Sharia-supremacist group’s subversive operations and entities inside the United States. 

“President Trump has threatened to respond harshly to a Turkish incursion in Syria, including by devastating that country’s economy. At the minimum, we must end the pretense that Turkey is a reliable partner and deserving of the preferred treatment accorded to the valued NATO ally it once was.”


Turkey Begins Invasion of Northeast Syria

Military forces around the Middle East were on high alert Thursday morning following a large-scale attack on northeastern Syria by Turkish forces. Iranian troops held unscheduled drills on their side of the Iran-Turkey border in an apparent warning to Ankara while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday that current events indicated Israel must be prepared for the possibility of fighting another major war without the assistance of allies.

Turkey’s Syria assault triggers war within GOP
Turkey’s incursion into northern Syria following President Trump’s unexpected pullback of troops from the border region has reignited a fight within the Republican Party over America’s role in the Middle East — and seen the president face withering criticism from some of his otherwise staunchest allies in Congress.

Read in Fox News: https://apple.news/A37oB8hoXRjeaJdXfItVtIQ

Shared from Apple News

I have been sharing this post from the writings of Billy Graham…….so much strife in our world…in America…..in Washington D.C…..our country is so very divided! Is there hope for America?

In America where nearly three in ten do not identify as Christians and a third of millennials have no religious affiliation

STRIFE! What Does The Bible say about STRIFE?

Tribune Content Agency

What does the Bible mean when it speaks of strife?

Oct 10, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy GrahamQ: I don’t hear the word “strife” used much anymore but it seems that is the best description for what is going on in society today. No one seems to agree on anything. What does the Bible mean when it speaks of strife, and can our government overcome it through more laws? — S.R.

A: The Greek word for strife refers to variance, contentions, fighting, discord, wrangling, and quarreling, just to name a few. Yes, our world today fits these descriptions whether it is inside the church, inside the government, inside our corporations and most certainly strife is found within the home.

Strife is also present in mankind’s selfish ambitions. Today’s culture certainly is self-seeking and self-absorbed. When selfish ambition replaces seeking God it violates the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20); the command to love others more than ourselves, and most of all to put God first in everything.

Why is the human heart filled with strife? The answer is found in God’s Word. Sin is the culprit. When sin is not dealt with before Almighty God, strife will preside.

The truth is that only through Christ can the flesh be changed. We cannot legislate these problems. No matter how many laws are passed, or how many good intentions there may be, outside of Christ there is no resolution. It may be subdued at times; it may be controlled by sheer discipline on other occasions, but there will come times when these works of the flesh will manifest themselves by boiling over in strife that often leads to political unrest and even war.

The answer is to let Christ reign in every area of our lives. It may not change the world around us, but our light will shine before others and be a shining witness to the peace that He will one day bring to this darkened world.


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