“When we divorce our own desire for control, we can experience the Lord’s abundant miracles”


This morning we have another inspiring message from the National Day of Prayer folks……

Rick and Sarah Lowe seek the Lord in the South-Central Region

Friend —

As Christians, when we divorce our own desire for control, we can experience the Lord’s abundant miracles as we cling to Him through faith. Rick and Sarah Lowe, our National Area Leaders in the South-Central Region know this very well. They have experienced the Lord steering their family in a whole new direction and calling them far from the path they envisioned for their lives. This new season of faith led to a new season in ministry, leading Sarah and Rick into greater seasons of Kingdom work.

God has gifted Sarah with administrative and leadership abilities. Rick, though not always involved in the day to day activities, stands in emotional and prayer support of Sarah’s work, lending his years of experience in developing relationships. The Lord uses the Lowes together, as they participate in prayer events alongside the host of prayer leaders working in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, and their home state of Tennessee.

God has a purpose for our life and a purpose for our family. We don’t want to miss what God wants to do in us. That requires us to be joined together with Him in everything we do,” Rick said.

Sarah and Rick are truly servant leaders, exemplifying Jesus’ practice of seeking God in prayer – individually and together as a couple. They know well that our Heavenly Father still speaks guidance to believers, and they practice what they preach.

When the theme is picked for NDP, I study the whole chapter, sometimes the whole book where it is, so I can get instruction from God on how to press forward,” Sarah said. “Jesus said, ‘pray without ceasing.’ It’s an attitude. I will say I have national daily prayer, and on the National Day of Prayer, I want to stand up publicly.”

The work of activating the voice of other NDP volunteers is an act of obedience in the Lord, and requires the power of God to move in His people. The new voice needs boldness and words to speak to bring glory to God from their platform. Sarah is intimately familiar with God’s movement in these moments. “When I first started, I was a young homeschool mom and very afraid, and I was talking to the mayor and city council,” Sarah said. “God said ‘I’ll speak to you,’ and my palms were sweaty, but He filled my mouth, and He will do it for anybody.”

God has also put it in the Lowe’s hearts to pray for a new generation of leaders. Young people will bring their talents and abilities to the table, while older, more established volunteers are able to pour into them and train them up in prayer and ministry.

We are looking for people to recruit and equip so they grow in their gifting. We believe everybody has this special gift,” Sarah said. “we are looking and praying for and encouraging state coordinators to find people to walk alongside them.”

Both Sarah and Rick love to serve and support their state coordinators, continually encouraging them as they each grow in their individual roles and responsibilities. Along the way, God reveals needs and areas of attention that help direct them, and their prayers. Everyone has different skills to fulfill complementary roles in glorifying God through the ‘work of ministry’. The weight of ministry is not meant for one set of shoulders—but many. Where there is shared leadership, there are opportunities for more discipleship and growth.

I’m a NAL with NDP, I don’t have time for another job,” Sarah said. “As I connect with others, I might identify people for other jobs. I’m for building up the body, I don’t need another title, I need to find people and help them to grow.”

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About the National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.

To learn more, or to find a National Day of Prayer event in your community, visit www.NationalDayofPrayer.org. To schedule a media interview, send your request to media@nationaldayofprayer.org, or contact Dion Elmore, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations at The National Day of Prayer Task Force, (719) 559-9574.




-=-=-Mobilizing Unified Public Prayer for America
National Day of Prayer Task Force · PO Box 64225, Colorado Springs, CO 80962, United States

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