If you have a job flipping burgers, you may find it difficult to look at your work as exalted. A stay-at-home mom who changes diapers all day, loads the dishwasher, and haggles with the appliance repair guy may look at her work as less than lofty or noble. But consider the potters mentioned in today’s Scripture: “They were potters…they stayed there and worked for the king.” Although they were involved in menial labor and found themselves elbow-deep in mud all day long, they kept something very important in mind: They were working for the king.
It’s always a great privilege to be enlisted in royal service, whatever your task might be. And so it is for Christians. No matter how lowly your occupation, “it is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:24). Remember that. Remember to work wholeheartedly. The diligence and excellence you put into your labors have the attention of the great King of the universe.
Dear Father, help me to keep this in mind today. When the tasks seem long or tedious, when the demands begin to wear me down and I just want to be home, remind me that I am serving the Lord Christ, the coming King, not a job or even a ministry.