As a Youth Pastor, What Problem Should I Address First?


Tribune Content Agency

As a youth pastor, what problem should I address first?

Nov 22, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There are so many deep-rooted problems that plague young people today. I am a youth pastor and I want to relate to teenagers in an effective way. Should I tackle sexual topics first, since that seems to be the greatest of all the problems, or is it drug abuse? — T.A.

A: It’s stunning to learn that many sociologists claim the greatest problem facing young people is not sex — it is boredom!

Teens in America have some big problems facing them. They are faced with perhaps the greatest problems in modern history, living with the constant threat of cultural wars, terrorism, nuclear war, and worse — war that rages within the human heart. It seems that the devil has the world in a great big bowl and he’s stirring it up with a big stick!

Teens are desperately searching for purpose and meaning. Today young people want to get behind a cause. They want to do something fulfilling; something that says their lives make a difference.

Kids of all ages are maturing faster physically than they are mentally and emotionally. When they finish college, many flounder, overwhelmed with choices and confined by their fears. Naturally, they turn to gadgets and amusements, with its tremendous emphasis on sex, and complicated by too much leisure time.

The greatest thing a youth pastor can do is to turn young hearts to the Lord through the study of Scripture. A return to Biblical conversion, faith, and conviction would have a great impact. Young people thirst for something to believe in. Never relegate the study of God’s Word and obedience to it, to last on the list, because belief in God transforms wandering hearts and minds. He promises His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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