Former NM Congressman Bill Redmond Addresses Impeachment Proceedings


I love Pastor Bill Redmond! One of my heroes of faith!!! I used to have him on the radio all the time! New Mexico News and Views on KKIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque! I remember the time I interviewed Bill when he was in China! When I called it was 3am China time!!! I also remember Bill hosting the Biblical Worldview Conference in Albuquerque years ago which brought in Pastor from all counties in New Mexico! Chuck Colson was one of the speakers! What an awesome time! So much unity at that conference, I pray this happens again.

I have tried for several years to get Bill and Walter Bradley to run for office again. Two men of God, who have served our Lord so wonderfully. Walter as Lt. Gov. The light these two shine is very bright for JESUS!

KOAT TV did a report on Bill’s thoughts on the impeachment proceedings. Bill is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met and interviewed. Sometimes we would go 45 minutes with our interview time on KKIM! Those were the days!!!!!

KOAT TV Report

Dr. Jim Denison on Impeachment

I took that picture of Bill at this years National Day of Prayer in ABQ!

More on Bill Redmond


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