MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Church on the Move Covered $10,000 Worth of Layaway Items for Walmart Customers in Roswell, NM


PTL!!! God Bless all the folks at Church on the Move in Roswell!!!! Merry Christmas! WOW! Talk about being the hands and feet of JESUS! Amen! Shining the light of our Lord so brightly! KOB TV REPORTS THE WONDERFUL NEWS

From Adrian Rogers:

When Christmas guests walk into your home, may they say, “This is a home that loves.” Love is not only the greatest virtue; it is also the greatest commandment. Jesus Himself said that love for God is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37–40). If love is the greatest commandment, then what would be the greatest sin? It must be the failure to love, because that would be breaking the greatest commandment. Love is the greatest virtue and the greatest commandment. It is the greatest testimony!


Read Matthew 22:37–40 and discuss together what it means to love the Lord Jesus with all of your heart, soul, and mind. Then ask this question: “In what ways do we love ourselves?” Remember that these are the ways we should show love for others. Show your love for others by leaving an encouraging note for someone who decorates their yard well while looking at yard decorations. Show love by using your talents to be a blessing to someone else; volunteer, sing carols at a care facility, or serve a meal.

Take advantage of the related activities and resources at

From Billy Graham:

Parents have the most influence on their children; in fact, the influence cannot be measured. Children know and absorb information by watching others and understand more than we realize about behavior when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness and work ethic. How important it is for parents to daily guide their children! They can make no greater investment.

This is why the Bible says to parents: “Teach [the Word of God] diligently to your children . . . talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. … Bind them as a sign on your hand … write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates” (Deuteronomy 6:7-9).

What a wonderful thing it is for the home to be centered on God’s truth. The home only fulfills its true purpose when it is God-controlled. The Bible takes the word “home” with all of its tender associations and sacred memories, and applies it to the hereafter and tells us that Heaven can be our eternal home. God bless parents that nurture their children through the reading of His Word and living it out before them. For those who have never known a loving home on earth, Heaven can be that place of everlasting hope forever.



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