2020 Prayer Letter For God’s Glory Alone Ministries


It has become a Godly tradition here at FGGAM to have Angel Murchison of Destiny Moments send us a prayer letter. Sharon and I are so very blessed by the friendship of Angel. Angel is such a loving woman of God. Here is her 2020 prayer for FGGAM by Angel………

2020 Prayer Letter For God’s Glory Alone Ministries…

Father, thank you for Dewey, Sharon and their ministry, For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. We have been praying the best is yet to come, but now the time has come. The best is here now.

Father, you told us to decree a thing and it would be established. (Job 22:28) In 2020 we declare for God’s Glory Alone Ministries will have new vision, double vision as expansion is here.

Father, we declare health, prosperity, joy, over Dewey, Sharon and their board. We thank you that they will receive double for their obedience.

Father, from the north, south, west and east we declare the gospel of Jesus Christ will go forth by every means possible though this ministry. Thank you that the greatest outpouring of Gods spirit is here.

Father, you said you would show us great and mighty things. (Jeremiah 33:3) Show us your miraculous power. Work signs, wonders and miracles through Dewey, Sharon and every writer, contributor and reader of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries.

Father, thank you for abundance. May the Moede’s and their ministry never know any lack. Break off any limits they have placed on themselves or others have placed on them. Limitless Jesus, maker of heaven and earth, thank you for showing yourself strong in 2020. The best is here. Yes, it is!

Father, for every sacrifice they have made for you, thank you for returning it 100 fold. Your Word tells us in Matthew 19:29 everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. Thank you for the one-hundred-fold return.

Father, we commit 2020 into your hands and receive the assignment For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. Favor is on this ministry. Thank you, oh God for the doors of great opportunity open to them. Big doors, double, double. Amen

The best is here….

Stay blessed. Sending much love and prayers.


Angel L. Murchison

Destiny Moments


Also we want to encourage you to order Angel’s book. Order Angel’s Book Here

Angel Murchison

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