How to Prosper and Succeed


“A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” ~Teddy Roosevelt

When my boys were in school, they used to ask me, “Mom, why do we have to go to school? I’m not ever going to use this stuff anyway”

My response was always the same. “To learn how to learn. We are to be lifelong learners.”

Acquiring knowledge doesn’t stop at graduation from high school or college. Many professions with licensing require continuing education credits/units (CEC/CEUs) in order to keep their licenses. And those of us who use their services are thankful they are required to keep learning, so we receive the best services possible.

Our lives as children of God require a continual learning process. The Lord told us that if we want to have success, what to do.

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” (Joshua 1:8 NLT).

The Book of Instruction is the Bible. I love this acrostic:

B – Basic
I – Instructions
B – Before
L – Leaving
E – Earth

So how often does the Bible say to study it? Continually. Day and night. So yes, we must learn how to study and apply the lessons found in it to our daily lives. When we do, we will prosper and succeed.

Each one of us is uniquely made and have different ways of processing information. So each of us needs to find a method of meditation that works best for our preferred learning style.

Let’s look at the four basic learning styles and the strategies for learning.

Auditory. This person prefers to learn by listening. To meditate on the Word, listen to an audio Bible, listen to podcasts, and read the Bible out loud to yourself.

Tactile or Kinesthetic. This person prefers to learn by doing. To meditate on the Word, try listening to the audio Bible while taking a walk or performing a chore. Or you may like to try other hands-on activities while reading the Bible such as doodling, highlighting with multiple colors, or journaling.

Visual. This person prefers to learn by seeing. These learners enjoy maps, videos, and infographics. One of the best study Bibles I have found that incorporates maps, videos, and infographics in the footnotes is the Faithlife Study Bible. If you do not have access to such that type of resource, then you may try drawing diagrams or pictures of what your read or imagine the scenes playing out in your mind’s eye.

Reader/Writer. This person enjoys reading and writing. These learners like to write out Scriptures and journal.

Which type of learner are you? I’m definitely the reader/writer with some of the visual.

Now that you’ve identified your learning style, I encourage you to implement a strategy for meditating on the Word that works best for you.

Bible Reading Plans

Dr. David Jeremiah’s read the Bible through in 366 days reading plan. Click that link below to download this plan:

Dr. David Jeremiah – 366 Day Bible Reading Plan for 2020

The Ligonier Ministries website has a list of various plans to choose from. To explore the available reading plan options, click the link below.

Ligonier Ministries – 2020 Bible Reading Plans which has the YouVersion app for your phone and/or tablet has a myriad of reading plan options from topical reading plans to read the Bible through in a year plan. To browse these reading plans, click the link below: Reading Plans

There are so many plans out there. If you do not find something from these lists above, enter Bible reading plans in your favorite search engine to find a plan that will work for you.


Plead Your Case in the Courtroom of Heaven

With the slam of the gavel, the hopes and dreams for your future shatter. With a judgment rendered, you or a loved one now serve time in prison. Will another court hear your pleas?

In despair over her son’s future, Shonda Whitworth petitioned the Lord on his behalf and searched the Scriptures. Finding how the Lord redeems the worst offenders, she learned how to appeal to the heavenly court and receive hope from God for her son’s future.

In Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven, Shonda shares how she went from deferred hope to a hope-filled life. This book will help you:

  • Identify biblical heroes who were lawbreakers
  • Understand the prosecutor’s strategy
  • Make effective appeals on behalf of yourself and your loved ones

Hope will be restored as you confidently plead your case to the courtroom of heaven!

About the author:

Shonda Whitworth writes, teaches, and speaks at conferences and retreats to share the hope of healing and restoration we have in Jesus. After her son landed in state prison, she realized the hardships families of prisoners encounter. She and her husband, Eldon, founded Fortress of Hope Ministries, a nonprofit organization that offers hope to families affected by incarceration. Shonda transparently shares her testimony of living with a son in prison at and

Click here to preorder your copy today.

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