

My thought is, selfishness has spread to every generation in the World! So many of our youth are so giving! 50 plus folks can be very selfish! From Pastor Dewey Age 64.

Tribune Content Agency

Why are youthful generations so selfish?

Jan 27, 2020

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Since the 1960s youthful generations have been called the “Me Generation,” disregarding others and thinking only of themselves. Why is this? — M.G.

A: Some years ago, writer and social critic Tom Wolfe coined the phrase the “Me Generation.” Each generation tends to be a “me” generation, since selfishness is part of human nature. A child says, “It’s mine.” A teenager centers on his problems. An adult proclaims, “Look out for Number One.” Selfishness is part of human nature. Today, advertising and “pop” psychology have raised self-centeredness to state-of-the-art levels.

The Bible tells us to think more of others than ourselves and plead for their salvation, asking God to lead them to Christ.

God sometimes causes us pain so that we may pray for others. Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell. When Christ fills our hearts, it puts selfishness on the run. Our personalities, our intelligence, and our capabilities are gifts from God’s own bountiful hand. If we divert their use for our own profit, we become guilty of selfishness.

People have egos, a consciousness of being an individual. God does not ask that we get rid of that ego. It is important for us to have a right understanding of our value. But we develop that best when we begin to see ourselves as God sees us, as people who are so valuable to Him that He wants to cleanse us of sin so we can become His children. But that doesn’t mean that mankind should worship self, to think constantly of self, and live entirely for self. God is infinitely more concerned about your happiness than you could possibly be. He says, “Deny yourself, and follow Me.”


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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