Unity for Jesus: New Mexico Sanctity of Life Rally and NM’s Elisa Martinez to Speak at March for Life in D.C.


I had a wonderful text conversation with Marcie May and Elisa Martinez yesterday! Powerful women of God!

We open up with BREAKING NEWS this morning:

BREAKING NEWS: PRESIDENT TRUMP TO SPEAK AT MARCH FOR LIFE IN DC, NMAFL’S ELISA MARTINEZ (pictured in the upper right) TO ALSO SPEAK! “I am so incredibly honored to speak alongside President Trump at the March for Life for this historic occasion– the first President in history to speak at the March for Life,” said Elisa Martinez, NMAFL Executive Director. “He is the most pro-life President we have ever had, and deserves the full support of the pro-life community.” The March for Life is the largest gathering for any single issue in the nation, crowds are expected to be over 1/2 million this Friday, January 24th. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/…/trump-to-become-first-…

I asked my Dear Sister in Christ Marcie May (pictured in the upper the left) to give us a report on the Sanctity of Life Rally Wednesday in Santa Fe! I have never seen such unity in the pro-life movement in New Mexico! People working together for Jesus to stop abortion! It is so very awesome to see! PTL for unitgy in the Body of Christ! Amen! Thankful for people like Marcie that stand in the gap for God’s babies!

Here is Marcie May’s report, thank you Sister!

I have to say that I was really blessed to be at the Sanctity of Life Rally, yesterday. There were well over a thousand in attendance. Yet, still no television coverage. Still, we march. Like Matt Walsh said, the difference is about our group is that we are not marching for ourselves. We are marching for those who have no voice.

And it is an honor. An honor to stand with those who speak for the Sanctity of Life, from conception to natural death.

There were many in attendance at the worship session as well as Pastor and Leaders Lunch. Pastor Vince Torres from Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico and Ethel Meharg from Right to Life of New Mexico lead the meeting. Encouraging words from the Honorable Senators Bill Redmond, Rod Montoya, as well as Representatives David Gallegos and Dr. Gregg Schmedes were in the mix. Some came in from off the floor; others were in the middle of serving, and were not able to attend.

Mike Seibel, attorney at law, gave an inspiring speech about “Being a Sheepdog” in the Pro-life movement. Senator Redmond reminded us about Lincoln’s speech regarding the price that was paid for our compliance to the evil of slavery. What will happen if we do not fight this evil of abortion?
Rep. Montoya encouraged people to continue to fight. He will be bringing HB 208, 209, and 210 prohibiting late term abortion, the Born Alive Protection Act. And parental notification.

So while the Democratic Governor hasn’t brought any specific legislation regarding pro-abortion laws, as of yet, there is talk, just today, 1-23-2020, from the Santa Fe New Mexican, that they may bring a Special Session for Supreme Court action. So don’t get comfortable! Of course they would mention this the day after we met. So we wait. And we watch. And we not grow weary. We expected them to try to pull something like this. They cannot help but to defend their sacrament of abortion.

So, stay by your phones. Get your letters ready. Get your emails addresses ready. We fight for those who cannot speak, for those whose lives are to be crushed.” Proverbs 31:8

When Rep. David Gallegos asked the crowd, “Who of you is getting paid to be here?” No one raised their hand. The opposition is getting paid. Which is why they will probably push for a special session. Those dollars from Planned Parenthood come with a requirement.

So, get ready troops! Be ready to heed the call to action!

I was blessed to talk with Ethel Maharg by phone yesterday on her way home from the Capital! I love how this woman of God puts her feet to the prayers to stop abortion! She is a woman of such Godly action! Ethel has helped bring unity to the Body of Christ in New Mexico!

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  • January 23, 2020

Hello Everyone,
For those of you who did not have the opportunity to attend the event, here are some pictures. Once again the building was packed to capacity with approximately 600 people in attendance. Pastor Richard Mansfield said it was the largest pastor gathering he could remember.
Today I crossed the aisle to attend the rally sponsored by Respect New Mexico Women. Sounds like a nice name, right. It is a radical abortion group pushing for abortion. Their gathering was approximately 75 people strong and there was much talk of fear of Roe v Wade being overturned. They are also making this a race issue.
Some of you may be asking, did she say she attended an abortion rally? Yes that is correct. The great Zig Ziglar said he read the newspaper and the Bible every day so he would know what both sides are up to. I feel the same way. We need to know what they are up to.
Today and article in the Santa Fe New Mexican stating that if Roe v Wade is overturned  the Governor may call a special to make certain abortion remains legal here in our state.  Click here to read the article. Please take time to read it and please share this information. Make no mistake the Governor is going to go to any length to codify abortion up to birth. We can not let this happen.
In her state of the State address the Governor told a story of her mom having to move with her. Although the story was good her ending message was that she was going to make certain seniors had access to care that would give them dignity. We all know what that word means. It’s dignity in dying, in other words assisted suicide and or euthanasia.
Although this news may be sobering, we still have hope, so be encouraged because more people are engaging in this process and making their voices heard. I will keep you updated with more news.
Thank you all for what you do for the cause of life.
God bless,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste A, Albuquerque, NM, NM 87112

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