Your Concern for Your Children Are God’s Concern

God Bless you Pastor Jude Sisneros for another wonderful message today! We love you and Liv and your entire family! We have been praying for your son! Thankful to hear he is doing better!
Jude Sisneros

Mark 5:22-23 “My little daughter is dying, he said, please come and lay your hands on her, heal her so she can live”.. My thoughts .. We as parents share those desperate cries on behalf of our children, this cry from Jairus, an influential man did that day.. Struggling parents of stricken kids.. They grasped the end of their rope with one hand.. And reached for Christ with the other.. But one thing that always happened. … Christ responded.. He never turned away.. Don’t you think that he does that today? Your concern for your children are God’s concern.. How do I know? Because our kids were his before they were ours.. Bam Psalms 127:3″ before they were ours, they were his, even as they are ours, they are still his”. Here is the key.. You want to see victory in your children’s lives.. Then stop having the final say in their health and welfare!! Wise is the parents who regularly give their children back to God..Look at Abraham .. What faith!! Even knowing that his son was to be sacrificed as a burnt offering…. He gave him to The Lord, and The Lord shared him back.. We can do one or two things.. We can take our parenting fears to Christ… Or take our fears out on our kids.. Fear can turn us into paranoid prison guards who monitor every minute, do background checks on friends.. Lol.. Our fears make us distrust , and suffocate our kids, or fear can create permissive parents.. We let them do what they want for fear of confining them, we become high on hugs and low on discipline.. How can we avoid both extremes.. We pray for our kids!! Not once does Jesus say anything about parenting, he doesn’t tell us to spank, or beat down our kids, nor does he tell us to be our kids friend either, but he does make a big thing out of prayer.. Everytime a parent prays for his children.. Christ responds!! What voice do you listen too? Jarius heard Jesus response ” don’t be afraid, just have faith and she will be healed” Luke 8:49-50.. But he also heard the voice of the servant saying “your daughter is dead”.. Jarius heard two voices..and had to choose which one he was hearing? Don’t we do the same? But Jesus … Oh come on somebody!! But Jesus… Did something that we need to do.. He united the household.. And he did it by calling in reinforcements.. He brought in people of prayer ” when Jesus went to the house, he let only Peter, John, James, and the girls father and mother go inside with him” Luke 8:51.. So my question to you is .. Who do you let in your situation when it comes to your children? Friends that make you feel good with stupid advice on Facebook ? Or do you invite.. Jesus with people that pray? By inviting Jesus and praying people .. You unite.. And banish disbelief.. You might be separated from your children, but so was God at one point .. Don’t you think God had a parental emotion? Is someone mistreating your children? They mocked and bullied his.. Is someone taking advantage of your children? His son was betrayed by a greedy follower .. Are you forced to see your children suffer? God watched his son on the cross..God understands.. Remember.. He buried a kid too.. But he hates death by sin more … God has never dismissed a parents prayer.. Keep giving your kids to God, and in the right time, the right way, God will give you your child back.. You might not know how to raise your child.. But God can… He is the master of raising children from the dead.. He did it for his.. He’ll do it for yours..

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