Beware of Lobbyists and Politicians, Follow the Money!


I have said for years and years, Vet your candidates with the Word of God! Not a campaign mailer, a tv or radio ad, Facebook post, or a 30 second news clip! It is your duty to do your research!

I am so very sad about all the money that is spent in politics. Whatever happens to all that money some of these folks raise and they never get out of the starting gate? I cannot beleive some of these folks who think they are qualified to run for office! I am so very tired of emails asking me for money and all they do is bash their opponents, how elementary! No meat and potatoes, just bashing! They want to be our leaders? There are people with questionable character traits that are connected to some of these candidates. You need to do your research and ask questions. Follow the money!

Some of these folks have no business running for office, they are in it for the wrong reasons. Vet the candidates with the Word of God!

I beleive there should be a limit to what these politicians can spend. You see my friends, America has made politics a god, some have made politicians gods. America is in trouble as too many have made everything about money and power. There is a power grab going on right now in New Mexico. A wild liberal party! My goodness!

The everyday Joe and Jane, like me and Sharon are being left behind. Can you even imagine all the folks that are making money off all the politics and all the different organizations tied to politics, the media makes billions! We could build so many homeless shelters, feed so many children with all that cash! We should be ashamed of what be have helped create. I do not think this is what God intended. We all are at fault, we helped build this monster.

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil. 2 Timothy 2:24

There needs to be more transparency in the money part of American politics and also all these lobbyists that are at our State Capital’s and in Washington D.C.

I also beleive that there needs to be more transparency on who is running these individual campaigns. You will be sadden or maybe even shocked who is behind the curtain pulling the strings.

Do your research, do not rely on a Hollywood TV commercial, or a 30 second news clip, or a campaign mailer! DIG DEEP! Its your duty!

That’s it! American politics has turned into Hollywood, a horror film! If the shoe fits wear it! Where is Will Rogers when you need him? How about Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Those recent Democrat debates on TV, are so very foolish….I do not know who would watch such horror……

Follow the money ABQ Journal Report

New Mexico Ethics Watch


Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Proverbs 18:2

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