PRAY TEAM JESUS! HORRIFIC NEWS: New Study: New Mexico Has No. 7 Highest Rape Rate


Keep praying Team Jesus…….

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” I Timothy 2: 1-3 NIV

Pray for the soul of America!If this news report doesn’t make your blood boil, check your heart! What are you doing about this? I got sick as I posted this news! Stand up Church!

I am very upset to read all these horrific rape stats, it makes me sick! Satan is having his way with so very many in America. Former New Mexico Rape Suspect Arrested Again

Woman claims she was nearly a victim of rape after man handcuffed her in ABQ

The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me. John 16:9

Here in New Mexico, we, I say we, as we are all responsible for the death of God’s babies, over 5,000 were aborted last year! Abortion/Murder/Rape/Drugs/Booze/Violent Crime/Suicide all horrific problems here in New Mexico. I promise you, the Legislature is bragging all they did in the 2020 session, passed a record budget, all that money will not solve these problems. JESUS is the answer.

Our society is failing, take the blinders off! I also posted below about this evil, dirty man Harvey Weinstein. The very sick, sick story of Jeffrey Epstein who had a ranch near New Mexico! SICK! SICK! EVIL! EVIL! Epstein Case

America needs missionaries! No high school pep rally is going to help solve this problem! Only JESUS!Hearts need to be given to JESUS!

God sure has a lot of patience with us!

Harvey Weinstein’s conviction yesterday points to the epidemic of sexual abuse in this country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in three women and nearly one in four men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact; nearly one in five women have experienced completed or attempted rape.

Dr. Jim Denison:

The Bible clearly states that God sides with victims of violence (Psalm 11:5), poverty (Proverbs 17:5), oppression (Psalm 103:6), and racism (Acts 10:34–35). Jesus repeatedly sided with the marginalized (cf. John 4) and victimized (cf. Matthew 8:28–34; Luke 10:25–37).

But as the victimization narrative collides with biblical morality, what will society do?

A person is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds in the U.S. and New Mexico has the No. 7 most rapes per capita in America. The state has 64.6 rapes per 100,000 residents, compared to the national rate of 42.6.

The digital revolution – including dating apps and smartphones — has changed our world for the better but these tools also expose people to new risks, including things like catfishing, scams and, sadly, rape and sexual assault.

SocialCatfish today released a study on States With The Most and Least Rapes in America using FBI Uniform Crime Reporting data from 2019 to rates of rapes and sexual assault in every state and the District of Columbia.

The 10 states with the highest rate of rapes include: Alaska, Michigan, Nevada, Arkansas, Colorado, South Dakota, New Mexico, District of Columbia, Nebraska and Oklahoma.

The 10 states with the lowest rate of rapes include: New Jersey, Mississippi, Connecticut, Georgia, North Carolina, Iowa, Maryland, Maine, New York and Virginia.

Here are additional key national findings:                                               

·         The total number of rapes per cities with 1 million people and over was down 5.3%.

·         Cities with a population of 500k to 999,999 had a decline of 13.6%.

·         Cities with under 10k people experience an increase in reported rapes (1.0%)

·         The most significant decline was in the West, where the drop decreased by 9.9%, followed by a decrease in the Midwest (9.3%), then the South (6.6%). The Northeast only experienced a decline of 0.3%.2018 to 2019

  • 1 in 6 women have been victims of sexual assaults or attempted assaults.
  • Former New Mexico Rape Suspect Arrested Again
    Nancy Grace shares disturbing details from Weinstein accuser: ‘When you hear this, you will cringe’
    Longtime legal analyst and former prosecutor Nancy Grace blamed the Hollywood community Monday for protecting disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein after he was found guilty by a Manhattan jury of rape and sexual assault.

Read in Fox News:–X2-jJqFAPPA

Judge Napolitano calls Weinstein verdict a ‘monumental setback’ for government
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted to the Harvey Weinstein verdict on “America’s Newsroom” Monday, calling it a “significant victory” for the disgraced movie producer and a “monumental setback” for prosecutors.

Read in Fox News:

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