From Billy Graham: Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. When doubt reigns, faith cannot abide. Where hatred rules, love is crowded out. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell. People’s hearts, though small, are big enough for Christ to live in, if we will only make room for Him.
Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action Applaud President Trump for Holding Out a Helping Hand to Mothers and their Children through paid family leave And Celebrates Special Guest, One of the Youngest Babies to Survive early birth.
“Young families deserve the kind of support found in programs that allow them to use their own resources when they need them,” said SFLA’s Kristan Hawkins, who has led the nation’s largest pro-life student group efforts to call for family and medical leave. “We’re gearing up for a post-Roe America by building the infrastructure needed to support mothers and their children, born and preborn.”
“Students for Life of America also welcomes Ellie Schneider from Kansas City, Missouri, one of the youngest babies to survive early birth,” said Hawkins. “Ellie’s beautiful face should be a reminder to all of us that with more than 12,000 babies aborted at Ellie’s age and even later that we have a moral crisis taking place today in our nation. The value of a human life should not depend on where a child is born. Legislators must all be called to account for whether they support the Born Alive Abortion Survivors’ Protection Act, which protects babies born at Ellie’s age from infanticide.”
WASHINGTON D.C. (02-04-2020) – In reaction to President Trump’s call for paid family leave during the State of the Union address, Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins said that “equipping vulnerable families with their own resources is just common sense, and at Students for Life we have a great concern for pregnant and parenting students, who today make up one in five on campuses nationwide.” SFLA and SFL Action have been calling for passage of measures that help young families over the last two years. “President Trump’s plan to help young families shows the kind of compassion needed in public policy. And his defense of children – born and preborn – is all the more powerful as Democratic Party Presidential contenders quietly support infanticide by refusing to support the Born Alive Abortion Survivors’ Protection Act. If our society does not offer medical care to infants following their birth even during an abortion, our value system is failing.”
Learn more about SFLA and SFL Action efforts for family leave here. Hawkins has also discussed such proposals at RealClearPolitics and at The Hill. You can also hear Hawkins discuss pro-family policies on her podcast “Explicitly Pro-Life” here.
For those who argue that late-term abortion and infanticide don’t take place, consider this from National Review:“According to estimates from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, about 1.3 percent of annual abortions in the U.S. occur after 20 weeks, which does sound rare — until you consider that the Guttmacher also estimates about 926,000 annual abortions, meaning that about 12,000 take place after viability. As Ramesh Ponnuru often points out, that means there are more post-viability abortions each year than gun homicides, according to the most recent FBI estimates.”
Hawkins appeared on Fox News recently discussing the ethics of ignoring babies who are born during an abortion. Click here to hear abortion survivors in their own words.
Click here to read Hawkins’ op-ed at USA Today defending the Single Issue voters who make abortion the reason for their vote.
Students for Life of America is the nation’s largest, pro-life, youth organization. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA serves more than 1200 groups on college, universities, high school and middle school campuses in all 50 states.
Students for Life Action is the c4 arm of Students for Life and engages the Pro-Life Generation to create a post-Roe America.

What ever happened to the America where we could agree to disagree and leave it at that? The hate that came out last night from Speaker Pelosi was very evil, ripping up President Trump’s speech is just plain ugly, the hate heaped on Rush Limbaugh since he announced that he has lung cancer is just plain evil. Listen, I don’t always agree with Rush or anybody else, but I do not rip them apart and speak evil into their lives. I want to share with you 3 posts from RADIO INK.