Patty Colson, Wife of the Late Chuck Colson, Has Passed Into the Arms of Jesus


I am so very thankful that Chuck and Patty are reunited in Heaven!!! I would love to hear Chuck’s radio commentary on Heaven!!! I met Chuck several years ago here in Albuquerque when he came to speak at the Biblical Worldview Conference that was headed up by former Congressman and now Pastor Bill Redmond of Los Alamos, NM. I was blessed to interview Chuck on KKIM Radio. His whole story on his coming to Christ is so very awesome! He called his Patty, HAPPY! What a tremendous couple for JESUS! The Colson’s testimony is so very awesome! God Bless Chuck and Happy! Heroes of mine!

With great sadness, yet with the great hope of resurrection, we want to share with you that Patty Colson, wife of the late Charles W. Colson, passed into the arms of Jesus on Friday afternoon. “Happy,” as Chuck would call her, was his closest friend, ally, and advisor for nearly five decades. We thank God for her life and legacy. She was a gift to Chuck, to Prison Fellowship Ministries, and to the Colson Center.

Christ is Risen indeed!

Patricia Anne (Hughes) Colson, 89, beloved wife of the late Charles W. Colson, passed away peacefully on March 27, 2020 at her home in Naples Florida.

She will be deeply missed by her three children: Wendell and his wife Joanne, Christian and his wife Cheryll, and Emily; her five grandchildren: Charles and his wife Heather, Caroline and her husband Grant, Max, Stephanie, and Beckett; and her seven great grandchildren: Rylee, Hayes, Charles Carter, Christian, Oliver, Finley, and Nathan.

Patty, who was known and loved by many, was born July 22, 1930, in Hoosick Falls, NY, to parents Joseph and Anna (Gannan) Hughes. Her older brother, Joseph, preceded her in death. She moved to Washington, DC in 1952 to work for Senator Ralph Flanders from her then home state of Vermont. In 1964, she married Charles W. “Chuck” Colson (1931-2012).

Patty had a keen interest in politics, but she was best known for her resilient spirit, gregarious personality, and unstoppable sense of humor, all of which carried her through the years Chuck served in the White House, as well as the many public and private pressures of the Watergate scandal. After Chuck’s conversion to Christ in 1973, his seven-month prison term in 1974, and through the founding of Prison Fellowship Ministries, and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Patty, strengthened by her own faith in Christ, became an invaluable partner in ministry.

Even though Chuck’s schedule could mean days and weeks apart, Patty supported Chuck in every way, and was keenly involved in every step of ministry. “Happy,” as she was affectionately called by Chuck and her family, adored delivering Angel Tree gifts to the children of prisoners, served as a wise counsel, and although she disliked flying, accompanied Chuck around the globe and into some of the darkest places in the world to bring the truth and hope of Christ to prisoners.

Most importantly, Patty had a personal relationship with her savior, Jesus. She knew and lived by His saving grace and trusted in His power to redeem and make all things new. Her hope in Christ brought her through many great challenges in life. And today, that hope is made sight, as she enters into the presence of the Lord.

Patty will be deeply missed by her family, her many friends, the women of Community Bible Study, and the thousands who have served in and supported the ministries. And, she will be missed by every prisoner whose life was made brighter by her smile.

Her life is a legacy of hope.

Funeral services will be private.

In Lieu of flowers, Patty has requested financial support for Prison Fellowship, The Colson Center, and The Acton Institute.

Colson Center for Christian Worldview   PO Box 62160    Colorado Springs  CO   80962   USA

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