As I study this day.. I came across this scripture in Luke 9:23″ If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow me”. My thoughts… The first man ever to do exactly that was was Simon from Cyrene, the Roman soldiers forced Simon to carry the cross for Jesus.. ( Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26). He carried the cross for Christ!! Wow!! He did literally what God calls us to do figuratively.. Amazing.. I have witnessed through out my life time what people have called their cross, for example, some say ” My cross is my mother-in- law, my job, my marriage, my boss, or even my Pastor!! Bottom line.. To take up the cross, simply means to put up with tough personal challenges.. Every one has challenges , everyone has a cross to bear, so quit whining so much and get used to it.. When my wife and I wake up in the morning.. We choose to take on the challenges with joy.. And believe me, we have some tough challenges in our plate.. The cross means so much more.. It is God’s tool of redemption, it was and instrument of salvation!! Oh come on somebody!! It was proof of his love for you and I .. Bam!!.. We each have our own cross to carry.. Our individual calling.. In 1Cor. 3:5″ The Lord has assigned to each his task”. Probably one of the toughest challenges that is called in ones life.. Is to love those who don’t love you back.. None of us is called to carry the sins of the world.. But all of us is called to carry a burden for the world.. So what can I do you ask? Visit people in a hospital , go to a prison and pray with somebody, dedicate a day for the homeless, see if you don’t leave more happier than when you started…as you help others face their day, you put life into your own.. What stirs you today? See if it doesn’t bring energy to your voice, or a giddy up in your step when you reach out to someone.. Simon helped Jesus carry his cross in spite of his own cross.. Little did he know that he carried the cross of the Savior of the world!! I’m betting that those steps Simon took with Jesus.. Took him to a whole new direction.. Help someone today with a good dose of compassion.. And who knows.. That cross you carry might just seem a little lighter.. Be blessed today..