COVID-19 Wipes Out $17 Billion in Local Advertising


We are in constant prayer for all. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

BIA has released an adjusted local advertising projection for 2020. As expected, the impact on local media will be massive. The research firm has revised an earlier 2020 revenue prediction of $161.3 Billion to $144.3 Billion, a decline of 10.6%. [read more]

I also posted this financial news this morning: Both the Republicans and Democrats are guilty for driving America into a deep pool of red ink. Both parties have for years not addressed the deficit. Just keep in mind that when both parties talk about spending money, its ‘monopoly money’ fake money, as we are trillions in debt US GDP expected to fall 12%, federal deficit to reach $3.7T: CBO fake money, as we are trillions in debt. Here in New Mexico we are also busted.

Washington Irving wrote, “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief…and unspeakable love.

I love this scripture on crying………I find myself weeping many times a day…….MANY TIMES! It is good for the soul……..weeping also means joy! Amen!

We are praying for all those that have lost jobs. It is a horrific situation. I wonder how many businesses will end up closing for good? PRAY TEAM JESUS FOR ALL

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

From WalletHub:

Today’s unemployment numbers show that roughly 26.5 million Americans have lost their jobs since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, completely wiping out the 22.7 million new jobs created since the Great Recession and adding another somber milestone to the economic toll this novel virus has taken on the U.S. Not all areas of the country have suffered equally, however, as you can see from WalletHub’s updated rankings for the States with the Biggest Increases in Unemployment Due to Coronavirus, released today, along with accompanying videos.

To identify which states’ workforces have been hurt most by COVID-19, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on increases in unemployment claims. We used this data to rank the most impacted states in both the latest week for which we have data (April 13) and overall since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis (March 16). Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A.

Most Affected States Last Week Least Affected States Last Week
1. Florida 42. New Jersey
2. Louisiana 43. Illinois
3. West Virginia 44. Montana
4. Kentucky 45. Idaho
5. Mississippi 46. Wisconsin
6. Georgia 47. Vermont
7. North Carolina 48. Massachusetts
8. New Hampshire 49. Wyoming
9. Virginia 50. Oregon
10. Colorado 51. Rhode Island

To see the states most impacted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here.

To view the full report and your state’s rank, please visit:

WalletHub Q&A

How will the unemployment rate change once the COVID-19 pandemic ends?

“Until we have a vaccine for COVID-19, we will not see employment levels similar to the beginning of the year. Once businesses start to open, we will see the unemployment rate stabilize and then slowly start decreasing. The economic stress put on businesses by the coronavirus crisis may prevent them from having the resources to do much hiring at the start,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “Some industries’ hiring will bounce back sooner than others; for example, restaurants that are reopening will need to hire serving staff again after laying off or furloughing them during the switch to takeout-only meals.”

How do red states and blue states compare when it comes to increases in unemployment?

“With an average rank of 22 among the most affected states, red states suffered a higher increase in unemployment during the coronavirus outbreak than blue states, which rank 32 on average,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “The lower the number, the higher the increase in initial unemployment claims that state received during the coronavirus pandemic.”

The state with the current largest number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is New York. How has New York’s unemployment rate been affected?

“New York has seen a 357% increase in initial unemployment claims from the beginning of 2020 to the week of April 13,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “This is better than the average increase of 1,544%.”

What can states do in order to minimize the rise in their unemployment rates?

“States should aggressively focus on helping the companies in the most need. The federal response will include sending checks to most citizens, even those whose income has not been affected by the coronavirus. States can use a more targeted approach to divert resources to the companies affected the most, thus having maximum impact for the money spent,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst.

Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression

From this morning:

I have preached for years that division, hate and politics have about ruined America. I  have read reports on what took place in Grants, NM yesterday as the Mayor opened up the town. Saying nasty words only pours gas on the fire that is already burning on how to open up New Mexico. It does no good to use bad language. Man, I tell you, some people need to behave themselves on Facebook also, horrible!

The Democrats attack President Trump and here in New Mexico the Republicans attack Governor Lujan Grisham. Both parties make no sense to me, they both exhibit bad behavior. That is why I am an Independent. I vote for the individual not the party. I do not always agree with President Trump or Governor Lujan Grisham, but I do not call them bad names. I just wrote my letter pleading with the Governor, in the love of Jesus, to stop abortion.

Both the President and the Governor have tough decisions to make everyday. I know we need to open up America. Both the President and Governor are working toward that. It is a very heavy responsibility. We are going through a very devastating time in America, many have died and many more may die before this pandemic ends. It has been a huge, double blow, financially we are sunk. 27 million Americans are without a job. Many businesses will never reopen. Ministries are hurting, tithes to Churches and ministries like FGGAM are down. Sharon and I have children that have lost their jobs. I do not know what God has planned, but I have joy that I know God!

All I know is the fighting has got to stop, it is so immature, what is the Presidential election going to look like? I hate to think of it, it may be horrible.

Both the Republicans and Democrats are guilty for driving America into a deep pool of red ink. Both parties have  for years not addressed the deficit. Just keep in mind that when both parties talk about spending money, its ‘monopoly money’ fake money, as we are trillions in debt US GDP expected to fall 12%, federal deficit to reach $3.7T: CBO fake money, as we are trillions in debt. Here in New Mexico we are also busted.

There is no “NORMAL” it is only a setting on your dryer. JESUS is the only answer.

I plead with New Mexico and all of America, this hate is getting us nowhere….its destroying us. JESUS is the answer, not politics.

How does hate ever improve anything?

Watching the Republicans and Democrats counter punch each other with their words and press releases is like watching a boxing match, both parties are likely to knock each other out.

We are praying that all will give themselves to JESUS! AMEN!

I do not work for man…..My boss is JESUS. God gave me and Sharon this ministry for His Glory…we do not stand for politics..or a political party…we stand for JESUS!

NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Fires Back at Grants Mayor

Golf course reopens, but most Grants businesses stay shut


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