Defeat CoronaVirus with these Prayers


We’re definitely living in time like no other. I confess, in March, I went through some denial about the whole social distancing and stay-at-home orders that started across our nation. Then when the President extended it through April 30 as did our state and local governments, then seriousness hit me.

Though I still struggle with the shutting down life aspect, I decided I can do something along with all the believers in the US and around the world—PRAY.

The number of prayer requests and prayer needs are significant. We need to cover all those needs in prayer. But I propose that we break it down a little. If we all do just a little, then we’re covering a lot.

Also, the news media, though they have job to do to report the news, they are only showing the worst scenarios. I urge you brothers and sisters in Christ, only tune in to find out the latest updates, but please for the sake of your peace of mind do not digest the news all day long or for any extended period of time!

When I tuned into the news yesterday, it made me angry. Angry that the news is speaking death and placing death images in our minds. How they predict a certain number of deaths from this virus and preparing for these massive numbers of fatalities with reefer trailers as temporary morgues.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue can bring death or life, those who love to talk will reap the consequences” (NLT).

The media is speaking death. As believers, we must speak life. Let’s rise up and reverse the spoken death curse and speak life! We have the power by the authority given to us in Christ Jesus to speak life into our situations and our communities.

I encourage each of you who read this, to do a small part and pray for the following area:

  • Your own homes and family members.
  • The neighbors on your block and subdivision.
  • The hospitals and healthcare workers in your community.
  • The nursing homes and rehabilitative centers in your community.

If each one of us prayed for our areas, we will cover our nation in prayer.

Here’s some suggestions for what to pray.

Second Chronicles 7:14 says, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

First, we humbly call on the name of the Lord by repenting for our personal sins and the sins of our community and our nation.

Second, we pray God’s promises back to Him. Pray the Scriptures out loud. This is important and I will have to share all the reasons in another post. But know this, the spoken word of God is powerful and breaks the spoken curses of death.

Here’s some promises from Scriptures to pray.


“The Lord will protect you from all sickness.” Deuteronomy 7:15


The Lord protects me, my family, my neighbors, the healthcare workers, and those being treated from all sickness, including the Coronavirus.


“Worship the Lord your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you …” Exodus 23:25


Lord, I thank you that Your blessing and You take away Coronavirus from me, my family, my neighborhood, my workplace, and my community.


“He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” Matthew 8:17


Jesus took the infirmities for me, my family, my employer and co-workers, my healthcare providers, and my community and bore Coronavirus for us.


“For God will never give you the spirit of fear but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7


Lord, I thank You that You fill me, my family, my employer and co-workers, my healthcare providers, and my community with Your Spirit that gives us power, love, and the ability to be self-controlled. We do not have the spirit of fear that fills us with panic, worry, and dread.


“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.” Isaiah 26:3


Lord as I focus on You, You keep my mind regarding the circumstances regarding the coronavirus in perfect peace. I desire to walk in the supernatural peace of God and embrace the truth of Your Word and trust completely in You.


“I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the Lord has done.” Psalm 118:17


Lord, I will not die, nor shall my neighbors, employer, coworkers, healthcare workers, or those in my community from Coronavirus. We will all live to tell others what YOU have done!

Amen! Let’s pray these life giving Scriptures for our families and our communities to fill the spiritual atmosphere with the power of God’s word that goes for to accomplish what HE sends it to do (Is. 55:11) and activates HIS angels to go to work on our behalf (Psalm 103:20).

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