Dream Beautiful People, Dream… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Dream Beautiful People, Dream…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I had the privilege recently to do a vision board with my four year old granddaughter. It was interesting what her dreams are. She shared them with her almost eighteen month old brother and I, as we cheered her on. She glued, she taped, she wrote, she asked for pictures, we printed from the computer, she put stickers on the board and so much more. Oh, the dreams of a child.

I too had just completed another vision board for a project I am praying and working on. I have always learned better visually and this helps me keep the vision before me. Habakkuk 2:2-3 tells us this: Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

Proverbs 29:18 tells us that where there is no vision the people perish.

Beautiful people, keep dreaming, Never give up, ever. No matter how dark the cloud may appear, God has a purpose and a plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) Whatever you have need of to complete the vision, ask God. You may just discover that many of the dreams in your heart, he placed there. It will surely will come to pass, he promised.

There is no time like the present to dream. Dream big beautiful people, dream big. You are not in this world alone. Put your big glasses on, the double vision pair, for the best is yet to come. Do you believe?

Let’s Pray:

Father, your Word tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord, and he will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:4) You tell us you will never leave us nor forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Father, you rebuild the broken places, the ancient ruins in our lives and lead us on the path to complete the plan you have predestined for us. Good Father, you love to give your children good gifts to all who would ask. (Matthew 7:11) Father, we ask today. Thank you for fulfilling the plan, the destiny you have for us.

Father, we have our big glasses on, the double vision pair. Give to us all that you can trust us with, we pray. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Keep praying, keep believing. Your dream is only a few steps away.

Somebody shout, double vision! 2020 the year of vision. Let God breathe life into your dreams today.

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