Hindrances to Hearing God


I strongly encourage you to get Dr. Stanley’s latest Book! Order Here!

I am reading it….I have to read the sames pages over and over……like the Bible

I also would encourage you to read his book on the Holy Spirit! LOVE THE WRITINGS OF DR.STANLEY!


April 08, 2020

Hindrances to Hearing

1 Samuel 3:1-10

How sharp is your spiritual hearing? Ask yourself the following questions:

1. How well do I know God? Not knowing God’s character and what pleases Him hinders listening.

2. Have I been too busy to Make time for God? We can’t listen and respond to Him when there’s no breathing room in our schedules and mind.

3. Do I believe God speaks through His Holy Spirit? Unless we believe that our heavenly Father speaks to us personally, we won’t hear His voice.

4. Do I have a sense of guilt? If we don’t live in the freedom of God’s forgiveness—which Christ gained for us on the cross—we’ll experience false guilt, and our listening skills will diminish.

5. Am I committing repeated sin in my life? Unless we repent of known transgressions, we will be harboring sin, which makes hearing the Lord difficult—like static in our ears.

6. How well do I receive criticism and correction? Our tendency is to reject the messenger without determining if he or she was sent by God.

Believers have a responsibility to listen carefully and be self-aware (Luke 8:18). Consider these questions with an open heart, and God will guide you to the next steps He wants you to take.

Bible in One Year: 2 Samuel 13-14

Blessed to Be

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