Do You Know The Deliverer? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Do You Know The Deliverer?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today, I wanted us to join faith and pray for people struggling with addictions. Let’s believe they will find the freedom they desperately desire. Let’s pray that the God of love will lead them to freedom directed by the Creator himself. He knows the way out of their bondage no matter how complex it looks. He is their deliverer. Let’s stand in the gap for them this morning. Let’s break the guilt, the shame they are inwardly experiencing. God is greater and his love far exceeds anything they could be struggling with. May they experience it for themselves today.

I love that we can talk to God our Heavenly Father about anything. We read his word, declare it, believe it and receive it. Amen? Amen.

Let’s Pray:

Psalm 107:14 He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.

Isaiah 9:4 4 For you will break the yoke of their slavery and lift the heavy burden from their shoulders.

John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Father, thank you for breaking chains all across this globe today. Father, your Word is powerful. It is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart according to Hebrews 4:12

Father, no matter the issue in lives today, you, oh God are more powerful. Addictions must break off, sin must go, shame must leave, torment and fear must flee. Every chain can and will be broken. We declare freedom today for people struggling with any type of addiction. God your love reaches out to them today.

Father, may people all across this globe connect with you as you hold the keys to their destiny. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Jesus, He is all powerful. He died so we all could be free. Can you believe this?

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. Yes, that’s right- free indeed.


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