National Day of Prayer: Go Tell It on the Mountain


FGGAM MEDIA CENTER just received this news release from the National Day of Prayer Task Force:

Friend —

Go Tell It on the Mountain

There is a song by Jason Gray that reflects my heart as we went through the hours of Thursday’s National Day of Prayer, “All I want is to give You a life well lived to say thank You”.

The lyrics of that song continue to pour out of me.  Look it up and sing it out this glorious new day the LORD has made.

You and your volunteer teams devoted countless hours, thoughts and prayers into hosting May 7th.  You embraced the opportunity to get creative and learn new digital tools.  As the week of NDP drew closer, I heard excitement and eagerness with plans and practice learning Zoom, Facebook Live and more.  Volunteers – you rock!

How can we begin to thank you? May you receive the blessing the LORD Himself spoke to our ancestor Moses for the people.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6: 24-26

Now, let’s continue to give God glory by testifying-telling your story of National Day of Prayer.  We realize many of you are posting your videos, photos and testimonies on state and local social media. We don’t always know that site, so please take just a few moments to share with us in one of these three ways.


  • Fill out the brief report form on our website at this link below to tell us what you learned, how God moved, advice for new coordinators and how we can improve to help you:

This link also provides a place to upload your pictures from NDP week

  • Be watching for a Facebook invitation to join the ‘NDP Coordinators’ private group where you will be able to post and view videos, pictures and testimonies to share with all our coordinators across the nation. Contact your National Area Leader if needed at this website link:

It is our treasure to capture your story and experience of how the LORD moved this NDP season, unique as it has been!  While your memories and prayers are fresh and full, please share for the sake of more increase by helping inspire and encourage others.

What’s next?  With the NDP explosion of digital world and people largely still on some physical distancing, we encourage you to take the next couple of weeks to build relationships and recruit new team member volunteers.  Continue to walk in the favor and opportunities God has given us at this time.  Your incredible prayer gatherings and the National Observance have given us a reach like never before.  Invite others to get involved through your virtual networking.  We are better together.  Here is a link to the volunteer application form:

LORD, please refresh these precious ones, replenish their bodies, minds and fill their souls with joy at service well done for You.  Father provide and protect them and their loved ones and keep Your purpose ever ready in each one.  Your word tells us You rejoice over them with singing, please let them hear Your song, Zephaniah 3:17b. Jesus in Your Name above all names, Amen.

To the glory of God,

Lisa Crump

National Day of Prayer Task Force

Vice President, Volunteer Mobilization, Liaison to Prayer Ministries

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