Smoke From Arizona Wildfire Reaches Albuquerque



The smoke has arrived, I took the photo Thursday morning right before 6am looking into the Sandias.

Southwest winds ahead of a low pressure system are pushing smoke from an Arizona wildfire toward Albuquerque. The Bush Fire is located about 25 miles northeast of Phoenix. Smoke will reach Albuquerque about Midnight tonight and linger through Thursday morning. The smoke is expected to gradually clear out of Albuquerque Thursday afternoon. Fine particulate levels are expected to reach the Air Quality Index category of Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups which includes people with respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. A Health Alert has been issued for Midnight tonight through Thursday, June 18th at Noon.

Bush Fire in Arizona Grows to 90,000 Acres


People who are at higher risk for respiratory issues from wildfire smoke are also more susceptible to infection and severe health consequences from COVID-19.  Exposure to smoke can aggravate severity of COVID-19 symptoms, and infection with COVID-19 can increase health impacts from smoke exposure.  The risk of COVID-19 transmission remains very high, and people who are vulnerable should remain at home whenever possible, especially when wildfire smoke is present.  To learn more about smoke and COVID-19 visit

WebsiteBush Fire in Arizona Grows to 90,000 Acres

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