Last week my pastor used an illustration that opened a small window on how “beyond us” God is. Let’s suppose you were a completely flat little water bug who lived only on the water’s surface. As such, you are aware of length and width, but up and down does not exist for you.
Now, suppose a human being stepped into the water. You, as a buoyant creature skimming the water’s surface, would come to know this awesome being by the qualities of, well, the human’s leg where it intersected the water. Poor little you couldn’t begin to understand the portion of the leg beneath the water or the part above, let alone the arms, torso, and head that tower above the water.
In your little bug mind, you know that one day you will live in the world of this awesome being and be transformed into a three-dimensional figure like him, with height and width. But for now you don’t understand what it means. You have to take it on faith.
When the Father revealed himself through Jesus, he was only showing us a slice of himself, a part of all that he is. But there’s so much about him we don’t comprehend, so much beneath and above our universe of understanding. When we go to be with him, we will live in his heavenly world. We will be transformed and lifted out of our limitations. I can’t take that in, so I’ll just have to take it on faith. When I do, it stirs reverence and awe in me. How about you?
Think about ways in which you’ve limited God based on your small slice of knowledge. Then expand your vision as you try to imagine what’s above and beneath your comprehension.
Lord, when I sense how big you are and how small I am, remind me to feel not diminished but rather released to expect great and mighty things from one so capable of so much. |