Anti-Slavery Party Started!


American Minute with Bill Federer
Anti-Slavery Party started!
Calls to ban statues, flags and images of groups that were involved in slavery would have to include the Democrat Party’s Donkey and Islam’s Crescent, as both of these institutions were involved in the enslavement of Africans.
Beginning in colonial times, approximately 350,000 African slaves were brought to America.
This number grew to nearly 4 million slaves prior to the Civil War.
Slaves were purchased at sharia Muslim slave markets.
Sharia Islam defended the right to own slaves, as its founder, Mohammed, owned slaves.
Beginning in 622 AD, the next 1,400 years saw an estimated 180 million Africans enslaved in sharia Islamic countries.
Only by international pressure did Yemen and Saudi Arabia nominally end slavery in 1962, and as recently as 1980 for Mauritania.
Fundamentalist sharia groups, such as ISIS, have continued unreported slavery.
Ironically, those in Western nations who claim to care about Black lives and want reparations for slavery in the past turn a deaf ear to present-day Black lives being killed and enslaved by sharia groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, Chad, and Mali.
Prior to the Civil War, the United States had two major political parties: Democrats and Whigs.
The Democrat Party was pro-choice, wanting to protect a slave owner’s choice to own slaves.
The Whigs were attempting to be a big tent party in order to keep members from joining other parties such as the Free Soil Party and the Know-Nothing Party.
Whigs were originally the party in Britain who opposed the absolute power of the king.
Quakers and Second Great Awakening Revival preachers, such as Charles Finney, were urgent abolitionist voices calling for the end slavery.
Finney stated (Charles G. Finney, Memoirs, NY: A.S. Barnes, 1876, p 185-188; 324):
“I had made up my mind on the question of slavery, and was exceedingly anxious to arouse public attention to the subject.
I did not, however … divert the attention of the people from the work of converting souls.
Nevertheless, in my prayers and preaching, I so often alluded to slavery, and denounced it, that a considerable excitement came to exist among the people.”
Finney was President of Oberlin College when it graduated the first black woman, Mary Jane Patterson.
In 1850, the Democrat-controlled U.S. Congress passed the infamous Fugitive Slave Act, where if a runaway slave escaped to the North, the Federal government demanded citizens obey a Federal Law to capture him and return him to his Southern slave owner.
It was pushed through by Democrat politicians Speaker Howell Cobb and Senate President William King.
The Fugitive Slave Act put the slavery issue squarely in the face of the anti-slavery North, whereas before it was considered mainly as an issue occurring on Southern plantations.
The Fugitive Slave Law imposed severe penalties on those who aided escaped slaves with food or shelter in their passage to freedom in Michigan or Canada.
It also made it a federal crime to interfere with the slave catchers’ recovery of runaway slaves.
A person could be held criminally liable, fined $1,000 and imprisoned for six months if they failed to report a neighbor suspected of helping slaves.
The Fugitive Slave Law mandate intensified sectional animosity, provoking the Civil War.
It required citizens who were against slavery to violate their consciences and affirm it, and even engage in enforcing it.
Burgess Owens was quoted in Yahoo Sports, June 19, 2019, “Former NFL player on reparations: ‘How about the Democratic Party pay'”:
“(On) the concept of reparations … Burgess Owens, formerly of the Jets and Raiders, spoke during hearings for H.R. 40 …
‘I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found the misery that party brought to my race … Let’s pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race?'”
A Wisconsin historical marker reads:
“Joshua Glover was a runaway slave who sought freedom in Racine.
… In 1854, his Missouri owner used the Fugitive Slave Act to apprehend him.
This 1850 law permitted slave catchers to cross state lines to capture escaped slaves. Glover was taken to Milwaukee and imprisoned.
… Word spread about Glover’s incarceration and a great crowd (5,000) gathered around the jail demanding his release.
They beat down the jail door and released Joshua Glover.
He was eventually escorted to Canada and safety.
… The Glover incident helped galvanize abolitionist sentiment in Wisconsin.
This case eventually led the state supreme court to defy the federal government by declaring the Fugitive Slave Act unconstitutional.”
Anti-slavery citizens met in a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, February 28, 1854, to form what would become the Republican Party.
On July 6, 1854, the first Republican State Convention was held in Jackson, Michigan.
The new Republican Party was against slavery.
The chief plank of the original Republican Party platform was:
“… to prohibit … those twin relics of barbarism: polygamy and SLAVERY.”
America was divided geographically between:
  • Radical Republican North, which said slavery is wrong, end it now. This included abolitionist societies, the Underground Railroad, anti-slavery preachers and, unfortunately, the fringe John Brown who took guns and killed slave owners.
  • Moderate Republican North, which said slavery is wrong, but the country should transition out of it slowly over time.
  • Practical Neutral, which cared less about the value of human life, being more interested in jobs, wages, economy and tax-tariff issues.
  • Moderate Democratic South, which said slavery may be wrong, but the country has to live with it. Though personally against slavery, they believed the right to own slaves should be protected, just made rare and few, and treat slaves humanely.
  • Extreme Democratic South, which said slavery is good and should be expanded into Western states. They tried to justify it by twisting Scriptures, citing that Abraham owned slaves but ignoring Jesus’ teaching to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
New lands were added to the United States:
  • 1803, Louisiana Territory, 827,987 square miles;
  • 1819, Florida, 72,101 sq. mi.;
  • 1845, Texas, 389,166 sq. mi.;
  • 1846, Oregon Territory, 286,541 sq. mi.;
  • 1848, Mexican Cession, 529,189 sq. mi.; and
  • 1853, Gadsden Purchase, 29,670 sq. mi.
Though the importation of slaves into America was outlawed in 1807, the question arose, should slavery be extended to these new lands coming into the Union?
Futile attempts were made to reconcile the tensions with “The Missouri Compromise of 1820” and “The Compromise of 1850.”
Congress made the situation worse in 1854 by passing Democrat Sen. Stephen Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Bill, which let inhabitants in those territories have the freedom of choice to decide if they wanted to own slaves.
It prescribed “dividing the land into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska, and leaving the question of slavery to be decided by the settlers.”
Instead of gradually diminishing, as many founders had hoped, slavery was now expanding.
Pro-slavery Democrats rushed west in order to have Kansas enter the Union as a new slave state.
The violence this caused was referred to as “Bleeding Kansas.”
On March 6. 1857, the Supreme Court, with 7 of the 9 justices being Democrats, rendered the Dred Scott decision.
Hoping to settle the slavery issue once and for all, their efforts to avoid a civil war actually precipitated it.
Dred Scott was a slave who had been taken by his master to Illinois and Wisconsin, but, as he was not allowed to learn to read, he was unaware that those territories forbade slavery.
When he returned to Missouri, Scott sued for freedom with the help of abolitionist friends, such as Henry Blow, a Republican congressman whose wife started the first kindergarten in the United States.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, appointed by a Democrat President, rendered the decision that Dred Scott was not a citizen, but property that belonged to his owner, writing that slaves were:
“… so far inferior … that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for their own benefit.”
Leaders rose up in churches, media and politics.
Republican President Lincoln said, March 17, 1865:
“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”
Some states defied the federal government’s Fugitive Slave Law mandate by passing “personal liberty laws,” effectively nullifying it.
Communities insisted on jury trials before alleged fugitive slaves could be taken away by federal authorities. Some juries refused to convict those indicted.
Other communities forbade local law enforcement officials from using their jails to hold the accused.
President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation under questionable Constitutional authority.
The issues was settled by passage of the 13th Amendment, officially ending slavery.
Every Republican in the House (86) and Senate (30) voted for it, joined only by a few Democrats in the Senate (4) and House (15).
The Tuskegee Institute recorded that between 1882 and 1968 there were 3,446 Blacks lynched.
In addition, there were 1,297 whites lynched, many of whom were white “radical” Republicans who had gone down to the South to register freed Blacks to vote.
After reviewing history, the calls to ban Confederate flags and symbols of past slavery of blacks should include bans on the Democrat Donkey to the Islamic Crescent, as both were involved in enslaving blacks.
In addition to taking a stand against slavery, the Republican Party was also against efforts to disrupt the traditional nuclear family, as was occurring in the Utah Territory.
The original Republican party platform had the plank:
“to prohibit … those twin relics of barbarism: POLYGAMY and slavery.”
The Republican Party defended the natural heterosexual definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman.
Republican President Abraham Lincoln signed the Anti-Bigamy/Polygamy Act of 1862.
Those attempting to redefine marriage were denounced by Republican President Ulysses S. Grant, December 4, 1871:
“In Utah there still remains a remnant of barbarism, repugnant to civilization, to decency, and to the laws of the United States …
Neither polygamy nor any other violation of existing statutes will be permitted … They will not be permitted to violate the laws under the cloak of religion.”
On December 7, 1875, President Grant stated:
“In nearly every annual message … I have called attention to the… scandalous condition of affairs existing in the Territory of Utah, and have asked for definite legislation to correct it …
That polygamy should exist in a free, enlightened, and Christian country, without the power to punish so flagrant a crime against decency and morality, seems preposterous …
As an institution polygamy should be banished from the land …
I deem of vital importance to … drive out licensed immorality, such as polygamy and the importation of women for illegitimate purposes.”
Republican President Rutherford B. Hayes stated, December 1, 1879:
“Polygamy is condemned as a crime by the laws of all civilized communities throughout the world.”
President Hayes stated December 6, 1880:
“The SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE and the FAMILY relation are the cornerstone of our American society and civilization.”
Republican President James Garfield stated March 4, 1881:
“The mormon church not only offends the moral sense of manhood by sanctioning polygamy, but prevents the administration of justice through ordinary instrumentalities of law.
In my judgment it is the duty of Congress, while respecting to the uttermost the conscientious convictions and religious scruples of every citizen, to prohibit within its jurisdiction all criminal practices, especially of that class which destroy the family relations and endanger social order.”
Republican President Chester Arthur fostered a Bible-affirming view, stating December 6, 1881:
“For many years the Executive … has urged the necessity of stringent legislation for the suppression of polygamy … this odious crime, so revolting to the moral and religious sense of Christendom.”
Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite, appointed by Republican Ulysses S. Grant, rendered the Murphy v. Ramsey, 1885, decision affirming heteronormative thinking, thus condemning the idea that children be collectively raised by a group of adults void of sexual restraints:
“Every person who has a husband or wife living … and marries another … is guilty of polygamy, and shall be punished…
No legislation can be supposed more wholesome and necessary in the founding of a free, self-governing commonwealth … than that which seeks to establish it on the basis of the idea of THE FAMILY,
as consisting in and springing from the union for life of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN in the holy estate of matrimony; the sure foundation of all that is stable and noble in our civilization;
the best guaranty of that reverent morality which is the source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement.”
Preserving natural marriage between one man and one woman precludes Islam, which embraces polygamy, harems, sex-slavery, “mut-ah”-temporary wives for pleasure, and child brides.
The comprehensive annotated John Quincy Adams-A Bibliography, compiled by Lynn H. Parsons (Westport, CT, 1993, p. 41, entry #194, Essay on Turks, 1827):
“Mohammed poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa contra Gentiles, 1258:
“Mohammed … seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us … and he gave free reign to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men.”
Winston Churchill wrote in The (Nile) River War, 1899:
“In Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”
Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, who invited the first black to have dinner in the White House – Booker T. Washington, stated to Congress, January 30, 1905:
“The institution of MARRIAGE is, of course, at the very foundation of our social organization, and all influences that affect that institution are of vital concern to the people of the whole country.”
Beginning with Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, there have been 19 Republican Presidents since the anti-slavery party was first formed in 1854.
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