FBC in Reserve this Morning: The Wrath of God, What Can You and I Do?


This morning I will be preaching on everybody’s favorite subject: The Wrath of God! This is not preached much because people to simply do not want to hear about it. We are FEELING the wrath of God right now here in America. I am going to share what the wrath of God is all about and what we should be doing at this time in America.

Is a wrathful God at odds with a loving God? If you understand wrathful as vengeful, then it might be hard to reconcile these two attributes of God. But if the wrath of God is simply his righteous judgment against sinful humanity, then there is really no conflict between the two. All of humanity is deserving of punishment. And a righteous God would correctly give us what we have earned. But God is also love. And he has provided a way of redemption; faith in the atoning blood of his Son.

I will be preaching on this at 11am today at the First Baptist Church in Reserve, New Mexico. If you live in the area and do not have a Church home, please come! I would love to see you and yours!


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