We are are constant prayer on many matters. We talk constantly to God. I just took this picture this morning (Sunday at 10am) looking into the Sandias.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18
The City of Albuquerque is issuing a Health Alert due to wildfire smoke and elevated ozone levels. Those with respiratory conditions in the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County should limit outdoor activity.
Effective: Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Expires: Monday, August 24, 2020 at 12:00 PM (Noon)
For more information: http://www.cabq.gov/airquality/trends/health-alert-information
People who are at higher risk for respiratory issues from wildfire smoke are also more susceptible to infection and severe health consequences from COVID-19. Exposure to smoke can aggravate severity of COVID-19 symptoms, and infection with COVID-19 can increase health impacts from smoke exposure. The risk of COVID-19 transmission remains very high, and people who are vulnerable should remain at home whenever possible, especially when wildfire smoke is present. To learn more about smoke and COVID-19 visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/smoke-faq.html |
We are praying for the safety of all. Please also join us Team Jesus in praying for rain. New Mexico Firefighters are answering the call for help in California! America coming together to help California. This is the America I know, and I’m proud of!
Medio Fire near Santa Fe grows to 1,500 acres
NM Firefighters Answer Call to Go to California
Colorado Wildfire Update
“A war zone”: Northern California wildfires rage as fire threat poised to rise
Highly dangerous weather conditions that are expected to arrive in Northern California on Sunday morning threaten to compound the devastating fires that plague the region as resource-strapped firefighters struggle to control the crisis.
Read in San Francisco Chronicle: https://apple.news/AMQyvYYDQRiq8jfFtdbkTpA
Shared from Apple News
Gracious Father, California burns again, and we desperately need You to act on behalf of panic stricken people. Please be the protector of life in these dreadful seasons of life. I thank You LORD, that You have chosen and gifted people who behave in life as our first responders; these being firemen, policemen, medical helpers of every specialty. Please give them much supernatural courage and protection in their courage. Calm their hearts so that they may function as they have been trained to the best of their abilities.
I ask that You might give favor to those whose homes are in harm’s way. It would be a glorious act if You would save homes along with the many people. And, Father, my heart goes out to all the children. They will have more than enough fear of their own without also taking on the panic of their parents and other adults. We rest in Your divine loving care, In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Thank you Pastor Jerry, we love you so very much!
We are so very thankful for Pastor Richard Mansfield of New Beginnings Church in Albuquerque for leading us in prayer for California. So much of the state is on fire and so many people are without power. This morning I am praying and weeping over California, we have family and friends there. Sharon’s Mom and Brother and Sister and their families live in Elk Grove which is next door to Sacramento.
Prayer for California
Lord, as we hear the news that there are nine severe wildfires in California and now that over a million people are without power, our hearts break for all of those affected by this horrible tragedy. Wrap Your loving arms around all those affected by the fires: Families, Individuals, Firefighters, First Responders and Rescue Workers. Give the firefighters favorable weather as they fight the fires. Protect them and the homeowners as they secure their homes and evacuate their properties and businesses. Reassure everyone of Your peace, power and presence as they process their pain and emotions. We pray that there not be any loss of life and that people will be able to return to their homes quickly along with their electrical power. Give wisdom and direction to the leaders directing the firefighters and the First Responders. We pray these and many more things in Jesus name, Amen