New Mexico Restaurants Suffer Heartbreak, Closings and Millions of Dollars of Losses During COVID


Top questions I am getting are…….. How long the health orders will last? Is Jesus coming soon? Will there be an election? When will things get back to normal? (Normal is just a setting on the dryer) Is America done? What does the Bible say, are we at the end? (Only God knows, read your Bible and the book of Revelation) Life to me is being in constant prayer with God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

Be in Prayer Team Jesus, Satan is having his way with many.

I am very sad this morning, these are very sad times as I am seeing so much sadness in my country. We have become the land of hate and division. We fight over almost anything. Yesterday I drove by a restaurant that we have had breakfast at many times. It is now empty, a for rent sign in the window. The young couple who owned it had put their life into their restaurant. I thought of the owners and all the employees right away and I got so very sad. What is going to happen to them and millions of others who have lost their jobs across America and the world.

What is going to happen to the America Church? I have talked to many of my Pastor friends and they are concerned that many will not ever return to Church. Church attendance was suffering big time before COVID, now with Facebook and all the other delivery systems the opinion of some is many will not return. Here in New Mexico the lid is on, just 25% of capacity. Will this change in September? We are already being told by the Governor to stay home over Labor Day Weekend and she hinted at “what a good idea to keep on the mask and do social distancing during the flu season” How long will these health orders last?

As restrictions continue, hopelessness setting in for restaurant industry

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